How did the Vikings raid?
What is Vikings would fight before the enemy's could attack!!
What did they eat for veggies?
what is turnips,shallots,beans,peas, and goosefoot.
who what's the king of Norse gods
what is odin
what were their houses made out of ?
what is wood, stone,earth and turf.
who was leif erikson's brothers names?
what is Thorstein and Thorvald.
How did they live if they were settling.
What is traders and farmers.
what did they eat for meat?
what is cows, sheep, goats, chickens, ducks and horses
where did the gods live?
what is asgard
did they have chimneys in their houses?
what is no chimney or windows, so smoke from the open fire drifted out through the roof.
who was leif erikson's sister?
what is FreydĂs'
did the Vikings wear armor?
what is Vikings did not wear much armor. Most had a round wooden shield for protection.
what did they eat for feasts?
what is Roasted and boiled meats, rich stews, platters of buttered root vegetables, sharp, welcome greens, and sweet fruits and nuts.
who was Odin's wife?
what is frigg
where were their beds?
what is Beds and benches lined the walls, and other features included lamps for light, heather bedding, wall hangings and rugs for warmth.
who was leif erikson's father.
what is Erik the red.
why did the Vikings raid?
what is gold and slaves.
what did they drink/eat for dairy?
what is milk,buttermilk,cheese,butter, and curds.
what were the two tribes of the gods?
what is the Aesir and the Vanir.
what are some of the women's rights.
what is Viking women could own property, manage the family estate, and participate in religious ceremonies.
why did Erik the red's father get kicked out of Norway?
what is manslaughter
what boats did they use to raid?
what is long ships
what did they eat for fruit?
what is raspberries, bilberries, plums, wild apples, hazelnuts,and Walnuts from the woods.
How many realms were there and what were they all called?
what is 9 and the realms are Asgard,Midgard, Vanaheim, Jotunheim, Alfheim, Niflheim, Muslepheim, Nidavellir, and Hel.
did Vikings go skiing?
what is Norsemen used skis for transportation and recreation. They even worshipped a god of skiing.
what is erik's fathers name
what is Thorvald Asvaldsson