These individuals provide love, protection, and guidance, often serving as your first role models. Who are they?
This person provides guidance, inspiration, and knowledge to help you grow academically and personally. Who is this?
This person helps you connect with your deeper purpose, values, or beliefs, guiding you toward inner peace. Who is this?
Spiritual Teachers
These people are your companions for sharing secrets, playing games, or seeking advice on a peer level. Who are they?
Friends and Siblings
These individuals dedicate their time to mentoring and supporting young people through activities, clubs, or programs. Who are they?
Youth Workers
These professionals help you stay physically, mentally, or emotionally healthy through care and advice. Who are they?
Health and Wellness Providers (Doctors, Therapist, etc.)
These individuals live close to you, creating a sense of community and support in your immediate surroundings. Who are they?
These individuals work to ensure your safety and well-being through important services in your community. Who are they?
Public Servants
This category includes anyone else who has significantly impacted your well-being, such as a coach or distant relative. Who are they?
Other People / Kind Strangers / Coaches / Extended Family