Ponyboy Curtis
Dallas Winston
Johnny Cade
"I only wanted to lie on my back under a tree and read a book or draw a picĀ­ture, and not worry about being jumped or carrying a blade or ending tip married to some scatterbrained broad with no sense." What can you interpret about how Ponyboy is feeling?
That he does not like the community that he is a part of, and he wants to be a part of a different society. He wants to live a life without the stress and always being in fear of the Socs attacking. (Open End Question)
In chapter 4, Dally is at a party and laying in bed because____?
Him and Tim Shepard had gotten into a fight, and he had cracked some of his ribs, and was in serious pain.
What metaphor does Ponyboy use when he describes Johnny?
"A little dark puppy that has been kicked too many times and is lost in a crowd of strangers"
Which of the Socs said this? "People get hurt in rumbles, maybe killed. I'm sick of it because it doesn't do any good...So it doesn't do any good, the fighting and the killing. It doesn't prove a thing."
How does it make you feel when Darry slaps Ponyboy? Would you consider him abusive?
It makes me feel like Darry is punishing Ponyboy for his mistake, and is acting like his parent. Yes, because he could have used another method to punish Ponyboy and violence did not have to be the solution so i do consider Darry abusive towards Ponyboy. No, because he was only disobeying his rules and he didn't come home on time. He is not abusive, he is only trying to teach Ponyboy that what he did was not ok.
How did Dally die?
He shoplifted and the cops were after him. He bluffed and pulled out a gun and was shot repeatedly, until eventually was killed.
Ponyboy was being drowned and Johnny was feeling apprehensive about his friend, what did Johnny do that he later felt rueful about?
Johnny felt like he had no choice but to stab Bob, this killed him.
In the novel, How do weapons help and how do weapons make matters worse?
They help when weak bodies need assistance fighting for self defense, and weapons are just used to deal with fights. (Open End) They make problems worse, because they make them more serious than they already are with fatal injuries. (Open End)
"You can't win, even if you whip us. You'll still be where you were before - at the bottom. And we'll still be the lucky ones with all the breaks. So it doesn't do any good, the fighting and the killing. It doesn't prove a thing. We'll forget it if you win, or if you don't. Greasers will still be greasers and Socs will still be Socs." -Said by ______
Randy, from the Socs.
"Don't you know a rumble ain't a rumble without me?" -Dally Winston Do you agree that the Greasers need Dally to have won the rumble?
(Open End Question) Yes, because most of the Greaser look up to him and they need him as a part of their group, or else they would not be the same group.
What is the role of gangs and how does it affect violence in the Outsiders?
It turns violence into this feud between two groups, not just between people. When one person in a gang is upset about something, it gives them something specific to hate.
Describe Ponyboy's out look on violence.
He doesn't know how he feels about violence, he just knows that violence should only be used for self defense and not used as a part of their daily lives. (Open End Question)
We gotta win that fight tonight," Dally said. His voice was hard. "We gotta get even with the Socs. For Johnny." Why do you think that Dally feels that he has to get even with the Socs?
Dally feels he has to get even with the Socs because he thinks that they are responsible for Johnny's death. (Open End Question)
When did Dally say this to Johnny, "Johnny, you don't know what a few months in jail can do to you, man. You get mean in jail, I just don't wanna see that happen to you like it happened to me, man. Understand?"
When Johnny decided he wanted to turn himself in, for his crime of killing Bob, and Dally tried to persuade him into not doing this.
What do you think are the 3 major events in The Outsiders that display violence?
~The Rumble ~Johnny getting jumped ~Ponyboy getting jumped ~Bob Getting Killed ~Dally getting shot by the cops.
Randy suggests that Bob is violent because his parents never told him "no" or gave him any boundaries. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
Open End Question