Types of Violence
Hazing & Sexual Harassment
First Aid

The use of any kind of power over others to repeatedly do intentional physical injury or emotional harm.

What is Bullying


**What is one thing that can be done to stop sexual harassment if it is happening to you or a friend.**

What is 

Trust your instincts
Know your rights,
Tell your parents or another trusted adult what's happening.
Contact law enforcement if you need to.
Keep a record of evidence of what's happening.
Stand and tell the harasser to stop only if it's safe to do so.


**List 3 things a bystander can do to help a victim of violence.**

What is Speak up to stop the violence, report it to somebody who can help. If it is safe- step in to prevent/stop it. Help the victim after the incident


Indicators that signal that someone is at risk for or has the potential to commit suicide is known as

What is suicide warning signs


**This is the technique used when a victim is conscious and choking.**

What is the Heimlich Maneuver


Hate crimes targets victims based on ....Give two things.

What is race, religion, sexual orientation, disability, ethnicity, nationality, age or gender.


**Give two examples of hazing.**

What is Assigning pranks such as stealing, painting objects, or harassing another team/organization, Requiring new members/rookies to perform duties not assigned to other members, Forced alcohol/drug consumption ,Telling new members to wear embarrassing or humiliating attire


**What are three warning signs of dating violence?**

What is Has an explosive temper, Has a history of fighting, hurting animals, or brags about mistreating other people, Refuses to let you to end the relationship, Extreme jealousy, Isolation of friends/family.


**What are three things that may make a person with suicidal thoughts more likely to take action?**

What is access to a gun or other weapon, coping with ongoing depression, using alcohol or other drugs.


**The warning signs (3) for choking...**

What is inability to speak/cry, grasping the neck between thumb and fingers, difficulty breathing or inability to breathe, bluish color to the lips skin or fingernails


**Name three causes of violence.**

What is Strong feelings Environment Prejudice/discrimination Misinformation Alcohol or drugs use Actions of others Lack of resources Poverty Family Violence Media Violence Availability of weapons Membership in gangs


**What are the 3 types of Sexual Harassment and one example of each **

What is 

Visual-looks, gestures, photos, written words and images, sending notes/texts/emails, posting comments or photos

Verbal-name calling, comments, jokes, asking repeatedly for personal or contact information after a person has refused to give it, threatening a person's grades, position or job if he/she doesn't cooperate sexually

Physical-pinching,touching, grabbing, cornering someone


**An injury that occurs when this cord is damaged in some way. Can often result in permanent disabilities/paralysis .**

What is a Spinal Cord Injury


**What are three warning signs of suicide?**

What is Talks about suicide, dying, ending it all or going away Gives away personal items Withdraws from family/friends Exhibits ongoing mood swings or periods of depression Makes dramatic changes in personal habits Takes careless or reckless risks Isolates himself/herself and spends a lot of times alone No longer cares about interests and activities is cutting, scratching, burning or deliberated injuring himself/herself


**This was created to encourage people to help others in emergency situations.**

What is The Good Samaritan Law


**With violence comes consequences. What are 2 consequences to the perpetrator and 2 consequences to the victim?**

What is Perpetrator: Serious injury in a fight or act of violence School related: Detention, suspension, expulsion Guilt, shame, and live in fear of an act of revenge. May face criminal charges, court cost, lawyer’s fees and possible jail time.A criminal record can affect the person for the rest of life Victim:Death,Serious permanent injuries, head injuries -loss of brain function, other injuries -permanent loss of function to some parts of the body.Less serious injuries can cause pain, require medical treatment, take time to heal and leave scars.Emotional scars, experience of anger, fear, revenge Mental illnesses : PTSD, depression, anxiety, attempting suicide Substance abuse Social isolation Loss of confidence Poor school performance


**TRUE OR FALSE...** 1) If someone agrees to participate in a hazing activity it can’t be considered hazing. 2) Hazing is against the law. 3) As long as there is no malicious intent, hazing should be OK.

What is 1) False 2) True 3) False


**An injury that happens over time due to over use of the body. Can be caused by poor posture, or poor techniques when doing certain tasks. **

What is Repetitive Strain Injury


DOUBLE JEOPARDY!!! Explain the difference between suicide survivors and suicide attempt survivors.

What is Suicide survivors :The people the suicide victims leave behind

 Suicide attempt survivors: Someone who attempted suicide and lived through it.


**When treating a third degree burn what are 2 things you should NOT do. **

What is Do not remove pieces of clothing that stick to the burned area. Do not try to clean a severe burn. Do not break blisters. Do not use any kind of ointment on a severe burn. Do not use ice, or ice cold water


The use or threat of violence to instill fear or control the actions of others.

What is Terrorism


What are the 3 levels of hazing-in order from least to worst?

What is Subtle Hazing, Harassment Hazing, Violent Hazing


**What are the 4 stages of the cycle of abuse (in order)?**

What is Denial, Honeymoon, Tension builds, Explosion fight.


One of the resources/websites/numbers that was given to you to help a person who is suicidal.

What is: National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (1-800-273-8255) Suicidepreventionlifeline.org or Society for the Prevention of Teen Suicide SPTSUSA.org/teens


If a person has been poisoned who should you call AND what is the number of the hotline?

What is The National Poison Control Center Hotline- 1-800-222-1222
