Things to know
Be aware
Do you know?
Be Safe!

The letters "RR" painted on the pavement indicate that you are approaching...

a railroad crossing.


To enter a main road from a driveway, an alley, or the roadside, you must _______ to vehicles already on the main road.



What does this hand sign represent?

Do not walk.


Two cars arrive at a four-way stop. Car A arrives slightly after Car B. Which car has the right of way and goes first?

Car B


Rear-end crashes are common on highways because many drivers...

follow too closely.


When you see a pedestrian crossing an unmarked crosswalk where there is no traffic control signal, you should...

yield the right-of-way to the pedestrian.


A steady red arrow signal means...

you must stop, and you cannot go in the direction of the arrow.


When there is a double solid yellow line next to your lane, you are

not allowed to pass or change lanes.


High-occupancy vehicle (HOV) lanes are reserved for...

car pools and vehicles with more than one occupant.


A person under 21 years of age who is convicted of using a fake ID to attempt to purchase alcohol may be fined at least..



In Virginia, you may not park within _______ of a railroad crossing.

50 feet


If the road is too narrow to make a U-turn, you may make...

a three-point turn.


On an undivided roadway, if you come to a school bus that is stopped with flashing red lights and an extended stop sign, you must...

stop and remain stopped until the bus starts moving again.


A wide white line painted across a traffic lane before an intersection is known as a..

stop line.


If you are found to be driving an uninsured motor vehicle and you did not pay the uninsured motor vehicle fee, this will happen...

your license will be suspended.


A double solid yellow line separates two lanes of traffic...

moving in opposite directions.


If you are driving faster than the other traffic on an expressway, you should use the ____ or ______ lane.

middle or left


On interstate highways in Virginia, the speed limit can be as high as..

70 mph.


If an emergency vehicle with flashing lights is approaching from either direction, you must _________ until the emergency vehicle has passed.

pull over to the right


You have parked next to a curb, facing up a steep hill. Which way should you point your front wheels?

Away from the curb


Who has the right of way in this scenario?

Car A has the right of way. Right turns always take the right of way over left turns.


If you suddenly have no control of the steering wheel, you should...

ease your foot off the gas pedal.


If two vehicles arrive at a 4-way stop at the same time, and they are located head-to-head and one of the vehicles intends to turn (B) and the other intends to go straight (A), which vehicle has the right of way?

the vehicle going straight has right of way (A).


When two vehicles arrive at a 4-way stop at the same time side-by-side, which vehicle has the right of way and goes first?


Always yield to your right. The vehicle furthest to the right (Car A) has the right of way. 

If three vehicles arrive at the same time, the car furthest left should continue to yield until both of the other cars to the right of them have passed.


In the scenarios above, which cars DO NOT have to stop for the school bus? Why?

In pictures 1 and 2, all vehicles must stop for the bus. In the last picture, the blue and yellow cars do NOT have to stop due to there being a barrier or unpaved separation between them and the bus.
