Classroom Management

When should teachers sign in to SmartCare?  

Right after they clock in on UKG, teachers need to sign in to SmartCare 


What is ratio for Preschool and PreK? 

10: 1 


Children are allowed to free play all day as long as it's not chaotic. 

No, teachers are expected to follow the schedule in their classrooms daily


Where do you request time off? 



What happens if a parent or guardian forgets to sign in child when they drop off? 

The teacher needs to alert the CD or AD and have the child signed in immediately. 


Locks should only be locked only if children are present? 

Locks should be locked at all times


What does circle time look like and what part of the day does it take place? 

Right after morning breakfast or snack to set the tone of the day. 


You are sick the night before work, its late what do you do about work the next day

Respond with your directors or center's protocol? 


Name 2 things you use SmartCare for in your classroom? 

1. Name to Face Attendance 

2. Timeline Entries- meals, diapers or bathroom, milestones, etc 

3. Messages to families 

4. Various other things


Can you place a baby to sleep on their stomach even if their parents tell you to do so? 

No, babies should be sleeping on their backs while in care


How do you manage disruptive behavior in the classroom? 

  1. Be steady, consistent and firm.
  2. Acknowledge the feelings of the individual.
  3. Remember that disruptive behavior is often caused by stress or frustration.
  4. Address the disruption individually, directly and immediately.
  5. Be specific about the behavior that is disruptive and set limits.

When do you plan for curriculum and lesson plan activities and are you allowed to use your phone to look up ideas? 

The answer will vary based on management discretion 


How do you switch a child in SmartCare to your class if the child is in your class for a specific time?  

There are 2 ways: 

1. Signed in as the teacher navigate to the 3 dots and add children that have been moved to class to your classroom. 

2. Go to your name and switch classroom to the classroom you will be transitioning too and any children that are in the class and not listed 


Where is your emergency plan located in your classroom? 

Next to the door with the emergency exit sign above it. 


What are your 5 classroom rules and how do the students know what they are? Where are they posted 

Answer will vary 


How many hours of training has your team combined completed this year? 

Answers will vary 


When posting a timeline entry to SmartCare with a photo, what are 3 things you need to to determine before posting the photo to be approved? 

1. Background/surrounding area 

2. Staff placement

3. Children's placement 

4. Safe 

5. Description provided 

Staff are allowed to provide medicine to children as long as its in the original package and the parent has filled out a medication authorization form? 

Only staff trained in MAT (Medication Administration Training) and with a valid CPR and First Aide certification can administer medication to children with an authorization form. 


What are the 3 C's of classroom management 

Clear Expectations

Constant Reminders 



What are 3 key things to remember when reporting an accident or incident? 

time, date, teacher who reported it, place it happened, was care provided, was parent contacted, nature of the incident, who was involved and next steps to prevent 
