gingers birthday
what is august 14th, 2007?
gingers favorite artist
gingers moms name
what is tonya walker
name three of my current or most recent "crushes"
what is preston, luke, aiden, braden...etc
whats the most illegal thing ive done
DOUBLE JEOPARDY if you name with who
trespassing and brooke
this is the career i wanted to go in while younger
what is photojournalism?
gingers favorite color
what is green?
my least favorite sister 9 times out of 10
who is sadie
gingers current fav tv show
the rookie
what was my ODR in elementary school for
throwing dirt at Cole S
gingers all time celebrity crush
gingers favorite movie
what is little women?
stacie, juanita, lannette
this is the year i won the armed forces day pageant
the last time i was in the hospital
one career i would go into outside of journalism
DOUBLE JEOPARDY if you can name three
politician, lawyer, doctor etc..
gingers favorite tv show of all time
greys anatomy, supernatural, criminal minds or the vampire diaries
name one of my brothers
DOUBLE JEOPARDY if you can name two
chris, james, andrew, william, and adam
biggest pet peeve
slow walkers/drivers
DOUBLE JEOPARDY if you name the basketball and football one
the warriors and 49ers
who am i named after
my grandmother on my dads side
my fav rapper most of the time
my oldest sister
who is tiffaney
who is my middle name after
my aunt juanita on my dads side
the year my dad died