Name the values that you learned
Joy, Unity, Integrity, Humility
Does your screen stay off or on?
What does CAU stand for?
Clark Atlanta University
What does Joy mean?
The type of breaks that can taken are..?
Wiggle Breaks and Restroom Breaks
The 2 online platforms we are using are?
Zoom and SeeSaw
Who do you contact when your computer or internet isn't working?
The Teacher
The name of our homeroom is......?
Valdosta State University-
Tuskegee University -
Clark Atlanta University
What doe UNITY mean?
Working together
Should you take a long time to use the restroom or a short time.
Short time, return quickly
During Asynchronous Days what online platforms will I be using? List at least 3
How and when do you contact your teacher if you computer/ internet malfunctions?
Through text, email, or phone
I contact the teacher ASAP!!!( As Soon As Possible)
What are your teachers names?
Mrs. Harvey
Mr. Battle
Ms. Walker
Ms. Williams
Honesty, Do the right thing even thought no one is watching.
What are the expectations to keep in mind during closing circle?
Computers should be on mute
Give hand signals to show support and agreements
Wait to be called on before you go
Keep in mind that everyone may not get a chance to go that day but they will have many opportunities to go in the future
True or False:
My computer isn't working. I guess that means I don't have to worry about my work for that day!!!
What are Clark Atlanta's University Colors?
Red & Black
What is Humility
Being Humble, treating others fairly
When you log on in the morning what are the 3 things you must remember to do?
Log on and mute myself
Sitting at a place with good light
Show that I'm ready to learn
When can you make up missed work ?
Hint: there are 3 different times when you can do make up work
You can do it own you time
You can do it on Wednesdays after you have completed all asynchronous learning work.
If teacher notices that you may need a little more support than you may be pulled out of the Friday celebration morning meeting to get the support you need.
Teacher's Discretion