What food started Covid-19?
what is a bat
What benefit allows students to balance education with other responsibilities by learning at their own pace and schedule?
What is increased flexibility
What was one e-learning challenge for teachers?
What is classroom management, assessment and feedback, or digital literacy gaps
This term refers to education conducted through digital platforms.
What is Virtual Learning
Where did the Epidemic start?
Where is Wuhan, China
What type of tools have instructors gained access to that enhance student engagement and course delivery in an online environment?
What are online tools like Zoom and Microsoft Teams
What are two types of primary instruction styles?
What is synchronous and asynchronous learning
What year did Covid start and when did it hit America?
When is 2019 and 2020?
What benefit allowed parents to ensure the safety and well-being of their children while they attended school from home?
What is peace of mind
What's one e-learning challenge for parents?
What is quality of education, balancing work responsibilities, or difficulty affording necessary devices for children
Virtual learning expands ____ to education
What is access
What are the two pros in slide 4?
What are improved technological skills and greater flexsailbity
What benefit allowed students in remote or rural areas to continue their education despite geographical challenges?
What is improved accessibility
Increased screen time, isolation, and academic pressures can cause what?
What is stress, anxiety and burnouts
Virtual learning raises key questions about these three things
What is effectiveness, engagement, and mental health
What are the two cons in slide 4?
What are social isolation and accessibility issues
How have instructors benefited from the online shift by connecting with colleagues globally?
What is easier communication and resource-sharing through online platforms
It’s hard to provide personalized feedback and track progress without a what?
What is a student teacher relationship
What does MOOCs stand for?
What is Massive Open Online Courses