The Vikings, Twins, Gopher's...
What is "Sports Buzz"
Planes, boats, cars...
Possible ways to travel during "Unknown Destinations"
Bears, Owls, Cats, Mountain goats...
What is "Animal Kingdom Adventures"
What is our new session on this day?
What is "Happy Healthy You"
What do we do from 1 -2 pm?
What is play "Bingo"!
The Art Studio session used to be called what?
What is "Make-It Monday"
Country, Rock-n-roll, Rap, Pop
Some genres that could be heard during "Turn-It-Up Tuesday"
What session has "Wonder Whaat"??
What is the "Morning Meet-Up"
Diners, Drive ins, & Dives
What is "Cuisine Culture"
Guinness World Records is in what session on Fridays?
What is "Morning Meet-Up"
When would you see the topics "On this day" or "National Holidays"?
What is "Morning Meet-Up"
Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, Trivia...
Games that have been played in our "Try Your Luck" session.
Astronauts, experiments, trees, comets,...
What is "Air, Space, Science"
Antiques, vintage, retro, past items
What is "Throwback Thursday"
What session is at 10am?
What is "Games & Gab"
What is the name of the new session on Monday?
What is "Learning Unlimited"
Spot the difference, sentence game
Some of Tuesday's "Afternoon Hangout" games
Name a book we've read during "Between the Lines" session.
What is "Alice in Wonderland", "The Wizard of Oz", "Robinson Crusoe", or "The Mystery of the Missing Jewels"
What session is after the Morning Meet-Up?
What is "Happy Healthy You"
TV, movies...
What is "Lights, Camera, Action"
Session on cows, pigs, chickens...
What is "Rustic Country" or "Life on the Farm"
Articles read from during the "Morning Meet-Up"
What are the 2 games we alternate in Wednesday's Afternoon Hangout?
What is "Jeopardy" and "Hangman"
When would see Meredith or Victoria on Thursday?
During "Discover Sign Language"
We play "Are you smarter than a 5th grader" or "Deal or No Deal" during what Friday session?
What is "Afternoon Hangout"