It is a deep feeling of affection and care for someone or something. It can be for family, friends, or a special person.
It is a feeling of satisfaction and happiness that comes from achieving something or from being respected by others.
The reader learns background information needed to understand the story. Setting is established, characters are introduced and a conflict is introduced or hinted towards.
It means to hurt someone back because they hurt you first.
It is where people pick and vote for the people they want in power and to represent their interests. The power is with the majority of the people who have put their leader in government. "People" and "Power"
To predict or say that something will happen in the future, often based on a special insight or a vision.
It is someone who works for others, usually in their homes, to help with tasks like cleaning, cooking, or running errands.
The protagonist faces one or more challenges or complications. The issue begins to worsen and these problems start to move the plot towards the climax, creating suspense.
Rising Action
It is a feeling of anger or bitterness because you think you have been treated unfairly.
This is where one person rules and makes decisions for the whole country. They do not depend on anyone except for a few people, and can do whatever they want.
Talking too proudly about your achievements or abilities, often in a way that annoys other people.
This means to do what you are told to do, or to follow rules or instructions without arguing or disobeying.
This is the highest point of tension. It could range from a 'life or death' situation to a tense emotional moment. The reader realises who or what is going to suceed in winning the conflict.
This means to take control of a place or people, usually by using force.
This is a system where there is no ownership of private land or other property.
Getting angry easily or quickly.
Quick Tempered
A problem or fault that makes something not work correctly or not as it should.
These are the actions that help to unravel, solve or deal with the problem that leads us towards the resolution. It can sometimes involve a surprise twist.
Falling Action
It's when you feel sorry for someone because they are in a difficult situation or are experiencing something bad.
It’s a place where there is no government or ruling system, a place without rules.
To feel or show great happiness about something.
It is a list or memory of bad things someone has done to you in the past. It's like keeping track of mistakes or hurtful actions.
Record of Wrong
The final outcome of the conflict, whether it is resolved or unresolved. The tension is broken and the reader feels a sense of closure although the story may not always end positively.
It means great admiration, praise, or honour given to someone for their achievements or qualities. It can also refer to a state of high respect and pride.
This one is a bit of a mix of oligarchy and monarchy. Family members are often selected based on their wealth, but also of their education, upbringing, and genetics. This is not only based on money, but your ethnicity or where you come from.