How do you fill out a Meet pass?
State very specifically what you need help with
What should you do if you forget materials needed for class?
Raise your hand
What should you put on your homework?
First and last name
What should you do when you arrive at the building?
Wait appropriately for staff to let you in the building
What color is a Daily level pointsheet
How does the meet pass get delivered?
Ask staff politely to deliver the pass for you
What is the next step after raising your hand?
Ask staff for permission
What must you also include on homework in addition to your name?
The date
What should you remove before entering the building?
Hat/Hood (unless on Progress or Merit)
How many bonds must you purchase to move up to the next level?
How many meet passes should you fill out?
only 1
How much does it cost to retrieve your items?
a Hall pass to retrieve items is 5000 points
Where should you turn homework in to?
The designated basket/area in classroom
Who must you walk with to your locker/classroom?
Any staff member
What is the penalty for leaving school property?
50,000 points
What should you do after the meet pass is delivered?
Wait patiently for staff to come get you
How much is it to purchase materials in class?
Store price
Who should you get instruction from regarding homework turn-in policies?
Teacher or other staff in the room
What should you do when you are ready to leave for the day?
Clean up your area and gather materials
What level must you be on to move around the building without staff?
No, only make one request and then wait
What happens if you choose not to get the materials that are needed for class?
You will earn negative points
What happens if you tear up your homework page?
You will be required to purchase an additional copy
How should you walk to transportation?
With staff and quietly
What is the penalty for assaulting staff?
100,000 points