Systems and Strategies
Vista Handbooks and Manuals
Mission and Core Values
Functional Skills Handbook (Vista/Handbooks and Manuals/Functional Skills Manual)
Student, Member and Family Handbook

What is the purpose of developing individualized systems and strategies at Vista Life Innovations?

To help each student and member reach their potential for independent living


Name the handbook containing Vista's curriculum.

Functional Skills Manual


Where can you find Vista's mission statement and core values?

Staff Resources, Website, printed material in offices


What are two uses of the functional skills standards and objectives?  

1. To guide staff with creating goals and action steps in student/member individual program plans, and 2. To develop lessons and strategies for instructing students/members.


What does the student/member family handbook state regarding a central liaison, aka point of contact, for students and members?

Each student/member is assigned a staff member, often the program counselor,     though not exclusively, to oversee the student/member’s program and to be the central liaison     (point of contact) for communication with the family.


What is the responsibility of staff members regarding individualized systems and strategies?

 It is each staff's responsibility to utilize the individualized systems when needed


How do we use the functional skills standards and objectives?

To guide staff in creating goals, action steps, lessons, and strategies for instructing students/members.


What does Vista's mission statement state

Providing services and resources to assist individuals with disabilities achieve personal success


What do the thinking skills demonstrate?

Thinking skills demonstrate one’s ability to think through, make decisions, organize, and plan.      


Section 4.2 of the Student Member Family Handbook describes the development of each student/members Individual Program Plan (IPP) or Individual Plan (IP) for those funded by DDS (Department of Developmental Services) (Department of Developmental Services), as being what kind of process?

a team process involving the input of the student/member, staff, funding agencies, and families.


Who develops individualized systems and strategies for students/members at Vista Life Innovations?

 It is most common for these systems and strategies to be developed by a student's/member's Program Counselor


What is one thing that students or members should learn when they are disciplined, or a limit is set with them?  

To take control of their lives, think for themselves, make decisions and live with the consequences, develop strong self-concepts, experience logical cause and effect connections, own and solve their own problems, take responsibility for their decisions, develop an adult identity, understand that problems are opportunities for growth, recognize that staff are concerned, caring, warm, and helpful and work as a team to support the students/members, further develop reciprocal interpersonal relationships, and recognize when assistance is needed.


Which core value is described as inspiring, creating solutions, and positively impacting others?



What do the doing skills demonstrate?

Doing skills demonstrate the ability to carry out a task or skill.


What do the Individual Program Plan and IP reflect?

the students/members specific needs, goals, and interests.


How can staff access individualized systems or strategies?

Staff can ask the student/member to show them the system or strategy, or find it in the student's/member's individual student folder on the Vista server


What are the three coping skills models in the 2022 Student, Member & Family Handbook's Appendix III?

Conflict Resolution Model, Decision Making Model, Assertiveness Model


Which core value emphasizes equal opportunity and treating all people with dignity?



What are the four core areas Discover Program curriculum focuses on?

1. Life Skills, 2. Social/Cognitive, 3.  Community Integration, 4. Vocational Training


What should staff members do to stay up to date on essential information about individual students and members?

Staff members should be reading the Vista Elog daily


According to student/member family handbook what is the role of a central liaison?

to oversee student/member program and be the agent for communication with the family.
