Blood Smears
CT Scans

This was seen on A 35-year-old man is evaluated in the emergency department for rapid heart rate and dizziness. He was recently started on levofloxacin for community-acquired pneumonia.

What is Torsades de pointes?


This retinal examination belongs to a 78-year-old man evaluated in the office for a sudden peripheral vision defect, which was preceded by several days of increased numbers of floaters and flashes of light in the left eye.

What is a Retinal tear (and detachment)?


This is the peripheral blood smear of an 18-year-old woman is discovered to have splenomegaly during a college sport preparticipation examination. She is asymptomatic. Her father has chronic asymptomatic anemia.

What is Hereditary spherocytosis?


This is the CT of a 63-year-old man being evaluated for an AKI

What is Hydronephrosis?


This is the chest X ray of a 73-year-old woman with extensive cardiovascular disease and poorly controlled hypertension is evaluated for acute-onset ripping chest pain that radiates to her back.

What is an Aortic dissection?


A 28-year-old woman is evaluated for fever, generalized lymphadenopathy, and the rash shown.

What is Secondary syphilis?


This was seen on 61-year-old man's EKG following the recent diagnosis of hypertension

What is a Left bundle branch block?


A 71-year-old man reports progressive vision loss over several years and has the following retinal findings

What is Age-related macular degeneration?


This is the peripheral blood smear of a 19-year-old man is evaluated in the emergency department for acute abdominal and back pain.

What is Sickle cell disease?


This is a CT with contrast of a 33-year-old man is hospitalized for acute abdominal pain that radiates to his back associated with nausea and vomiting. He appears severely ill.

What is Necrotizing pancreatitis?


These are radiographs of the sacroiliac joints and lumbar spine of a 26-year-old man is evaluated for pain in the low back and buttocks that awakens him at night.

What is Ankylosing spondylitis? 

(Bamboo Spine)


A 65-year-old woman is evaluated for severe pain on the right side of the upper chest of 1 week's duration and was followed by the appearance of the rash shown.

What is herpes zoster (or shingles)?


This is the EKG of A 43-year-old man is evaluated for nonanginal chest pain.

What is a Right bundle branch block?


This is the funduscopic finding of a 35-year-old man is evaluated for loss of peripheral vision. The patient is asymptomatic and has 20/20 visual acuity in both eyes.

What is Glaucoma?


This is the peripheral blood smear of a 51-year-old man is evaluated for fever, headache, and anemia. He recently returned from an extended tour of the Amazon River.

What is malaria? (or Plasmodium vivax)


This is the CT with contrast of a 58-year-old man being evaluated for lower abdominal and pelvic discomfort, guarding, and fever.

What is Diverticulitis?


This is the KUB of a 36-year-old man with ulcerative colitis is evaluated for a 5-day history of abdominal pain, diarrhea, fever, and leukocytosis.

What is Toxic megacolon?


A 41-year-old woman is evaluated for an expanding slightly pruritic rash with scaling, as shown.

What is Tinea corporis?



This is the EKG of a 31-year-old woman is evaluated for episodes of palpitations.

What is a Wolff-Parkinson-White pattern>


This ophthalmologic finding was seen in A 59-year-old man recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes mellitus.

What is Proliferative diabetic retinopathy?


Thie is the peripherial blood smear of an 80-year-old woman is evaluated for anemia. She was recently diagnosed with end-stage kidney disease. 

Echinocytosis secondary to Uremia


This is an emergency Chest CT with contrast of a 66-year-old man being evaluated for sudden-onset dyspnea. BP is 198/120 mm Hg. PE reveals aortic regurgitation and pulmonary crackles.

What is a (Type A) aortic dissection?


This is the radiograph of the lumbar spine of a 76-year-old man is evaluated for a 10-year history of progressive pain and stiffness in the mid and lower spine. He also has difficulty bending.

What is Diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis


A 58-year-old man is evaluated for a rash on the right side of his abdomen that developed over the past 2 weeks.

What is Eythema migrans?

(Borrelia burgdorferi infection or Lyme disease)


A 63-year-old woman is admitted to the ICU with respiratory failure and has this on her EKG

Multifocal atrial tachycardia


This ophthalmologic findings was seen in a 50-year-old woman with recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus

What is Nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy?


This is the peripheral blood smear of a 23-year-old man is evaluated for anemia, abdominal pain, and arthralgia. He recently renovated an old house, which included scraping and repainting.

What is Lead intoxication?

(The slide shows an erythrocyte with basophilic stippling)


This is the CT scan of a 51-year-old man is evaluated for acute onset of fever, chills, dyspnea, and nonproductive cough. He raises racing pigeons. Chest radiograph is normal.

What is Hypersensitivity pneumonitis?


This is a close up radiographic view of the left metatarsophalangeal joints in a 57-year-old man being evaluated for pain in his fingers and toes. Nail pitting is noted on PE. 

Psoriatic arthritis

(Pencil in a cup finding)


A 26-year-old woman has a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome and a recent pruritic eruption on her buttocks, as shown.

What is celiac disease–associated dermatitis herpetiformis?


This is the EKG of A 25-year-old man is evaluated for palpations and lightheadedness.

Atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia


This finding is seen in giant cell arteritis

What is Optic disc atrophy?


This is the peripheral blood smear of a 49-year-old man is admitted to the ICU with meningococcal sepsis.

Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia

(Examples of this disorder include thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura, hemolytic uremic syndrome, and disseminated intravascular coagulation)


This is a CT chest of a 38-year-old woman is evaluated for a 10-week history of fever and dyspnea and infiltrates on chest radiography. She has received two courses of antibiotics with no improvement. She does not smoke cigarettes.

What is Cryptogenic organizing pneumonia? (Previously known as bronchiolitis obliterans organizing pneumonia)


This is the chest radiograph of a 60-year-old man is evaluated for a 7-month history of progressive dyspnea and dry cough. He is a former cigarette smoker. Clubbing is present on PE

What is Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis?


A 32-year-old man develops the following rash on his hands following an episode of herpes labialis.

What is Erythema multiforme?
