Exam Scramble
Putting the Fun in Foucault
In this seminal 1967 essay, Roland Barthes argues that there is no ultimate authorial meaning for a reader to uncover in a text; rather texts are produced in the act of reading them according to the cultural and political perspectives of the reader, thus blurring the lines between producer and consumer.
What is "The Death of the Author"?
For Michel Foucault, this concept indicates not just spoken language but the broader variety of institutions and practices through which meaning is produced.
What is discourse?
This word identifies a mixture of textual, audio, and visual modes to create meaning.
What is multimodal?
Taking Louis Althusser's concept of interpellation one step further, Foucault argued that this term describes the relationship of looking in which the subject is caught up and through which the subject is disciplined by social institutions.
What is the gaze?
This social category emerges out of practices of looking by individuals that involves a set of relational social practices.
What is the viewer?
While not writing on this subject directly, Foucault was engaged in critiquing this 18th and 19th-century worldview, which embraces a linear view of progress, an idealization of the liberal human subject, an uncritical allegiance to free market ideals, and the institution of European imperialism.
What is modernity?
This concept helps us to think about how the practice of looking is rarely performed independently from listening and feeling, is often interactive, multimodal, and relational, and is often tied to embodied experiences of identification and pleasure.
What is spectatorship?
Foucault likely would have approved of this mode of theorizing, which reads cultural texts against the grain of dominant sexual ideology and examines assumptions about gender and sexual identity.
What is queer theory?
Coming from the Greek root "sémeiô," this type of analysis allows us to read or interpret images as signs.
What is semiotic analysis?
Foucault used this term to describe the technologies of modern state power that are enacted on a society through the regulation and discipline of individual bodies in realms such as social hygiene, public health, education, census taking, and reproductive practices, which all produce particular bodies with particular kinds of meaning and capacities.
What is biopower?