What is respiration and pulse ox?
1:an electronic device that measures the saturation of oxygen carried in your red blood cells.
2: the act of respiration.
What is your heart rate?
The number of times your heart beats per minute.
What is your body temperature?
How hot your body is at a given time.
What is your blood pressure?
The amount of force your blood uses to get through your arteries.
When your heart rate is not normal.
It is over 100 bpm or under 40bpm.
How do you measure respiration.
counting how many times someones chest rises.
what is the average heart rate.
60 to 100 bp
What is the average body temp
98.6 degrees
What is the average blood pressure.
when yoour body tempature is not normal.
over 100 or under 94.
How do you measure pulse ox
A small, electronic device called a pulse oximeter is clipped onto a part of the body, usually a fingertip.
How do you measure heart rate
Place your fingers in between your neck and chinn.
How do you measure your tempatute
You use a thermonoter
How do they test blood pressure.
they put an inflatable on your arm and it adds pressure.
When your respiration rate is not normal .
Having trouble breathing.
How much oxeygen do you need to survive.
19.5 percent
What is the lowest bpm you can have.
40-60 bpm
What is the highest temperature someone can have?
109.4 degrees.
what is the highest blood pressure you can have
130 139 mmhg
When are your oxeygen levels low.
When your oxygen levels are low they are under 18 percent.
What is the lowest oxeygen amount a person can live with.
88 percent or lower
What is your maximum heart rate.
180 bpm
What is the lowest temperature someone can have?
55 degrees
what is the lowest blood pressure someone can have?
lower then 90/60mmhg
When is your blood pressure not normal.
90/60 lowest.