97.6°F - 99.6°F is the normal range for this type of temperature measurement.
What is oral temperature?
A healthy adult has between 60 and 100 of these each minute.
What is beats per minute, or a normal adult pulse rate?
These measurements are taken to assess a patient's overall health and detect abnormalities.
What are vital signs?
This small device clips onto a patient’s finger to measure oxygen saturation.
What is a pulse oximeter?
12-20 breaths per minute is the normal range for this vital sign.
What is respiration rate?
Oral, rectal, axillary, tympanic, and temporal are examples of these locations.
What are sites where body temperature can be measured?
Radial, carotid, brachial, femoral, popliteal, and dorsalis pedis are examples of these anatomical sites.
What are pulse points, arteries, or pulse locations?
The body's ability to maintain a stable internal environment despite external changes is called this.
What is homeostasis?
A normal oxygen saturation level falls within this percentage range.
What is 95-100%?
Temporary cessation of breathing is known by this term.
What is apnea?
One is dangerously low body temperature, and the other is dangerously high body temperature.
What are hypothermia and hyperthermia?
A pulse rate above 100 beats per minute is called this.
What is tachycardia?
A weak and difficult-to-detect pulse is described using this term.
What is a thready pulse?
If a patient’s SpO2 falls below 90%, they may be experiencing this dangerous condition.
What is hypoxemia?
This irregular breathing pattern involves cycles of deep breathing followed by apnea and is often seen in terminal illness or brain injuries.
What is Cheyne-Stokes respiration?
Sweating and vasodilation are two mechanisms the body uses for this purpose.
What is cooling down the body?
A full 60-second count, a 30-second count multiplied by 2, or a 15-second count multiplied by 4 are three ways to do this.
What is calculating pulse rate?
This subjective measurement is considered the “fifth vital sign.”
What is pain?
Nail polish or cold hands should be avoided when using this device because they can interfere with accurate readings.
What is a pulse oximeter?
Exercise, fever, pain, stress, hypoxia, and anxiety are factors that cause this vital sign to increase.
What is respiratory rate?
The hypothalamus helps regulate body temperature by triggering these two processes—one to increase body heat when it's too cold and one to cool the body when it's too hot.
What are shivering and sweating?
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Beta blockers, athletic conditioning, shock, heart block, or hypothermia can all lead to this change in pulse.
What is a decreased pulse rate?
This part of the nervous system regulates vital signs by increasing heart rate and respiratory rate during stress and decreasing them during relaxation.
What is the autonomic nervous system?
If a patient has an SpO2 reading of 85% but appears stable, you should first do this before considering supplemental oxygen.
What is reassess and ensure the oximeter is properly placed?
Rate, rhythm, and depth are three components used to evaluate this vital sign.
What is respiration?