Most accurate temperature measurement of core temperature.
What is rectal?
Normal resting adult heart rate.
What is 60 to 100 bpm?
< 12 respirations per min.
What is bradypnea?
Device used to measure blood pressure.
What is a sphygmomanometer?
Body part most commonly used to place the pulse oximeter probe.
What is the fingertip?
Pain that is ongoing with little change or progression.
What is chronic pain?
Low-pitched, snoring sound.
What is Rhonchi?
Thermometer route that is 1 degree lower than oral route.
What is axillary?
Site used for infants under 1 year of age.
What is the apical pulse?
Act of breathing out.
What is expiration (exhalation)?
Normal reading is 30 to 50.
What is pulse pressure?
Normal SpO2 in healthy adult.
Whhat is 96 to 100%?
Used for young children or patients with cognitive impairment.
What is Wong-Baker FACES Scale?
Heard in asthma patients due to bronchoconstriction.
What is wheezing?
Term used when body temperature falls below 95 degree Fahrenheit.
What is hypothermia?
Sound S1 and S2 make?
What is "lubb-dub?"
Respirations cease or are absent.
What is apnea?
Korotkoff sound that represents the systolic blood pressure reading
What is the first sound?
SpO2 reading under this % requires you to notify RN in charge.
What is 90%?
Behavioral pain assessment used for pediatric patients 2 months to 7 years if unable to use other methods.
What is FLACC scale?
High-pitched crowing sound and considered an emergency.
What is a stridor?
Happens to temperature during ovulation.
What is increases (by 1 degree or more)?
Located 3 to 4 inches to left of sternum, generally in the fifth intercostal space at the midclavicular line.
What is point of maximum impulse (PMI)?
Abnormal breathing pattern seen in DKA.
What is Kussmaul's respirations?
(3) factors affecting blood pressure?
What are....?
(age, race, exertion, circadian rhythm, anxiety, stress, medications, level of hydration, hemorrhage, increased intracranial pressure,nicotine, caffeine)
Patient with this diagnosis may have a lower than normal baseline reading.
What is COPD?
Moaning, grimacing, restlessness, rigid posture.
What are nonverbal indicators of pain?
Resembles sound made by rubbing strands of hair between thumb and index finger.
What are fine crackles?
Physiological response to cold temperatures.
What is vasoconstriction to preserve heat?
Palpating both at same time can cause significant drop in pulse and blood pressure
What is carotid pulse?
During respirations these two gases are exchanged.
What are oxygen (O2) and carbon dioxide (CO2)?
Volume of blood pumped from the heart in 1 minute.
What is cardiac output?
(2) factors affecting SpO2 reading.
What are.....?
(cold hands, nail polish, poor circulation, and incorrect probe placement)
(3) examples of characteristics of pain.
What are ....?
(sharp, burning, dull, constant, intermittent, stabbing, cramping, burning, gnawing)
Due to patient breathing through thick mucus.
What are coarse crackles?