True or False; Vitamin B12 can only be found naturally found in animal products.
Someone that doesn't eat animal products would get their B12 from what?
Plant-based milk
what is one common symptom of Vitamin B12 deficiency?
Fatigue or Weakness
Where does digestion of Vitamin B12 start?
Vitamin B12 helps in the production of what type of cell?
Red Blood Cells
Which dairy product typically contains the highest levels of Vitamin B12
True or False; it is very easy to get toxicity of vitamin B12
False, excess vitamin B12 is constantly excreted in urine.
Which protein produced in the stomach is essential for absorption?
Intrinsic Factor
What is the daily reccommended inttake?
Is Vitamin B12 fat or water soluble?
Which shellfish are rich in Vitamin b12? (3 options)
Clams, Crab, Lobster
Would someone with numbness in hands and feet be deficient or in toxicity?
What condition could interfere with absorption?
Atrophic gastritis, Chron's disease, pernicious anemia.
what is the recommended daily intake for pregnant women
~ 2.6 mcg
Vitamin B12 is essential for ____ production.
Name an animal based food that is rich in Vitamin B12
meat, fish, eggs, dairy products
What condition might be developed if a deficiency leads to large abnormal RBCs
Megaloblastic anemia
True or False; people who have had Gastric bypass surgery are at a higher risk of deficiency
True or false; Vitamin B12 is a B-Complex vitamin
Which organs store the majority of the body's vitamin B12 reserve?
The Liver
How much vitamin b 12 does a 3 ounce serving of beef liver typically provide
~ 70 mcg
Name one medical condition or dietary choice that would increase the risk of deficiency
What autoimmune condition causes the body to attack intrinsic factor?
Pernicious anemia
true or false; Vitamin B12 is the newest discovered vitamin