What is the function of vitamin a?
Maintain healthy skeletons, skin, mucus membranes, soft tissue, and eyes.
What is the function of vitamin b?
Vitamin b works in numerous systems within the body including, cell growth and development, nerves, making red blood cells, making white blood cells, making t-cells, and help destroy free radicals.
What can't your body do with vitamin c?
Store it or create it
What is the function of vitamin d?
Absorb calcium, muscle use, carry nerve messages, fight off viruses and bacteria
What are the 2 other vitamins?
Vitamin E and K
What are the two types of vitamin a?
Retinol (animal-products) and Provitamin a carotenoids
What is the most common and most important b vitamin?
B12: cyanocobalamin
What is the function of vitamin c?
Growth and development: Form collagen, Heal wounds, repair and maintain cartilage, bones, and teeth, aid in absorption of iron
What are the food that contain vitamin d?
Saltwater Fish
What are the two main categories that vitamins are classified as?
Fat soluble and water soluble