Words that are intended to create an image or association but are not literally true
Figurative Language
Pick the word that goes with the statement
I went to McDonalds at 5:45 yesterday
Claim and Counter- Claim
Name 3 planets
Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune
304 times 4 divided 2
Answer 608
How the story turns out
Pick the definition that goes with the statement
The story was mainly about tigers
What do you do before every paragraph
+200 point
+200 points
Name 5 types of shoe brands
Adidas, Nike, Jordans, Hey Dudes, Pumas, etc
The most exciting part in the story
I heard a big "POW" outside my window
In the Conclusion what do you end with
A strong sentence or statement
What does PIE stand for
Persuade, Inform, Entertain
Name 7 things you use in school
Pencil, Pen, Calculator, notebook, folder, paper, eraser, backpack, desk, etc
information near an unfamiliar word that helps you figure out its meaning
Context Clues
Pick the definition that goes with the statement
I took the idea that I known about and put it in a story problem and I got it right.
Prior Knowledge
Name the 3 things you see in a intro paragraph
Hook, Reason, Thesis
Name 5 shapes
Rectangle, Square, Triangle, Oval, Star, Heart, etc
Name 7 types of pop/soda brands
Rootbeer, Sprite, Pepsi, Coke, Fanta, Mt Dew, Dr, Pepper, etc
+500 points
+500 Points
Use the Key words
1st, 2nd, 3rd
Point of view
What is a essay?
It is a short piece of writing on a particular subject
What are all the colors in the rainbow
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, Violet
Riddle Time
What has one eye but can't see?
A needle