Episcopal Church

He was the first person to suggest that the sun was at the center of the universe

Who was Copernicus?


These three groups of people made up the three Estates of the Estates General. In order to answer correctly you need to name each Estate and who was in it. 

Who was the Clergy of the First Estate, the Nobility of the Second Estate, and the Commoners of the Third Estate? 


The man, for whom the nation's capital is named, was the American General during the Revolutionary War.

Who is George Washington?


The colony of Saint-Domingue produced these two primary exports.

What are coffee and sugar?


Before the Revolutionary War, the Episcopal Church was part of THIS other denomination. Hint: think back to Henry VIII...

What is the Church of England?


He was the first person to suggest that the planets did not have perfectly circular orbits

Who was Kepler? 


The National Assembly was formed when the members of the Third Estate re-assembled on the grounds of this sports complex and swore an oath named after that very place.

What is a tennis court?


This battle ended the Revolutionary war when General Cornwallis surrendered to the American troops.

What is the Battle of Yorktown?


Petit Blancs were people of THIS race and THIS social class.

What are white and lower class?

Also accepted: working class, or 'poor'

THIS is the name and title of the man coming to campus today.

Who is Michael Curry, the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church? 


The Scientific Revolution began to insist the scientific discoveries could only be reliable made by testing hypotheses with real and replicable experiments. What is this process called? 

The Scientific Method


Every Year Bastille Day is celebrated in France with fireworks and parties on this date every year. 

When is July 14?


The phrase "Give me Liberty or Give me death" was famously uttered by Patrick Henry. Revolutionaries from THIS other country used similar words in their Declaration of Independence.

What is Haiti or Saint-Domingue? 

Enslaved peoples made up approximately this much of the population of Saint-Domingue.

What is 90-95%

Note: all answers between 90-95% will be accepted


The Episcopal Church gets its name because it is "overseen" by this kind of person. They are the people who are one-step higher on the organizational chart than priests.

What is a bishop? 


The British scientist wrote the Principia Mathematica, calculated the speed of sound, and developed the Laws of Motion.

Who is Isaac Newton? 

The French Revolution was the political application of concepts created by what 17th Century thinkers? 

Who are the Philosophes? 


The American Bill of Rights inspired THIS other document written by the National Assembly in 1789. 

What is The Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen? 


Toussaint L'Ouverture was the Haitian General who successfully led the Haitian armies until the French did THIS to him in THIS year.

What is captured him in 1802?


This is the name of the book where the Episcopal Church keeps all of its services, rituals, and prayers. 

What is the Book of Common Prayer? 


This committee of the Catholic Church investigated Galileo and put him under house arrest. No one expects them...

What was the Inquisition?


The Reign of Terror ended when Robespierre's Committee on Public Safety was dissolved under a new constitution and THIS new form of government was instituted. 

What was The Directory? 


The new American government endeavored to develop a political system in which sovereignty lay in the hands of THIS body.

What is the American citizenry? 

Other answers accepted: "the people," "the American People," "the citizens," or "American Citizens."


The Haitian Declaration of Independence instituted THIS man as Governor for Life.

Who is Jean-Jacques Dessalines? 

When he presides over the Eucharist, Father Roberts where a scarf-looking this around his neck as a sign of his ordination. Mr. Hartwig is not allowed to where one of these because he is (I am) not a fully ordained priest. THIS is the name of that scarf thing. 

What is a stole? 
