The Groups
The Events
The People
The Migrations
Turkey Day

This group formed a new economic group of merchants, who had a great deal of wealth but little political power. They were the main population of the Girondins.

Who are the Bourgeoisie?


This event eroded the people's faith in King Louis XVI, and led to his capture and execution. 

What is the Varennes (I will, of course, accept "he ran away" lol)


In response to the statement that the people had "no bread to eat," This Queen supposedly responded "Let them eat cake!" The quote actually originates with Jean-Jacques Rousseau 20 years prior.

Who is Marie Antoinette?


This forceful movement of people away from their homes, families, and cultures to the Americas was a major source of migration.

What is the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade?


This breed won the National Dog Show in 2023.

What is the Sealyham Terrier?


This assembly was comprised of the Clergy, the Aristocrats, and the Peasantry. Although the Peasants represented 98% of the population, they had the same vote as the Clergy and Aristocrats; because of this inequality, they broke off to form the National Assembly.

Who are the Estates-General?


This event led to the major economic decline in France which sparked much of the revolution. (HINT: it was a war!)

What is the American Revolution?


This popular minister's dismissal prompted the people to storm the Bastille.

Who is Jacques Necker?


This "ism," itself driven by technological advances, caused major shifts in how goods were produced which made old methods of production obsolete and displaced the skilled tradespeople who practiced them in favor of unskilled labor.

What is Industrialism?


This football team won the Thanksgiving Day Football Game 29-22.

Who are the Green Bay Packers?


These "mountain men" were a sub-group who caused the Reign of Terror because of their paranoia. 

Who are the Montagnards? (or, what is "La Montagne")


After the dismissal of Jacques Necker, a popular public minister, the people revolted on This Day, when they stormed a prison; it is still celebrated in modern France.

What is Bastille Day?


This leader of the Jacobins remains a divisive character, but after initiating the Reign of Terror, he himself was executed by guillotine.

Who is Maximilien Robespierre?


The four factors that we discussed which fueled historical migrations are Imperialism, Industrialism, changing diet, and This.

What are Scientific Advances?

Cinnamon, Ginger, Nutmeg, and Cloves make up this fall blend of spices.

What is Pumpkin Spice?


This sub-group leaned conservative and advocated to save the King's life from execution. They weren't "revolutionary enough" for their opponents, who had the majority of them executed during the Reign of Terror.

Who are the Girondins?


King Louis XVI needed assistance to make decisions to deal with the economic crisis in France, so he did This. (HINT: what group did he assemble for the first time in more than 100 years?)

What is called a meeting of the Estates-General?


This King ruled before and during the revolution until his execution in 1793 by guillotine. 

Who is King Louis XVI?


This cartoon refers to This "ism" that we discussed in class.

What is Imperialism?


A 20lb turkey should be thawed in the refrigerator for this many days. 

What is 4 days? (that is, 24 hours for every 5lbs)


This political club was the main group in charge of France during the early revolution; it was divided into two groups and led by Maximilien Robespierre.

Who are the Jacobins?


This years-long "event" resulted in the executions of some 10-20,000 people, mostly in Paris, and culminated in the the death of its primary leader, Maximilien Robespierre.

What is the Reign of Terror?


This man rose up through the ranks of France's military, eventually become its Consul (ruler) and first Emperor. He went on to cause multiple near-global wars that are named after him

Who is Napoleon Bonaparte?


This event caused a major migration from a nation in Europe to other parts of the world, especially the USA and Australia -- if only they weren't so dependent on a  monocrop!

What is the Irish Potato Famine?


Thanksgiving in the USA is celebrated on this day every year.

What is the Fourth Thursday in November?
