Financial Goal
Monetary objectives of an individual, business or other organization that are decided by future needs of those entities.
Marketing Identification
The process of a marketer in identifying the most profitable areas to offer a new product or service
Written questions, used in marketing research, to obtain information from respondents.
When one company takes ownership of another, usually smaller, company
Information Management
Information management is the process of collecting and analyzing data that can be used in the strategic decision making process for a business
Any activity where money is put at risk in the short term for the purpose of creating a profit in the long term. Most investment activities include conducting research and developing a long term plan for any assets that will be put at risk. Investment activities want to create and/or increase a positive outcome for the benefactor.
Semantic Differential Scale
A method used to measure satisfaction on a scale and the respondent is asked to circle a number where 0 is neutral and one moves outwards from it towards the extremes of goodness and badness
Exploratory Research
A study into a problem that provides details where a small amount of information exists. It may use a variety of methods such as trial studies, interviews, group discussions, experiments, or other tactics for the purpose of gaining information.
To propose a business idea, usually with the goal of obtaining a contract or funding
Setting goals and determining how to reach them
The portion of disposable income that is not spent on essential expenses in a household or business. A variety of savings vehicles are available to increase the value of savings including a bank savings account, stocks, bonds, etc.
Professional Development
Specialized training, formal education or other sources of gaining skills necessary for on-the-job success and/or advancement
Economic Impact
The costs or benefits that a particular event, policy change or situation has on the economy
A risky project or business idea
The path through which messages are delivered
Marginal Analysis
A decision making tool that compares the cost of an activity versus the benefits of the activity
A catchy phrase or words that identify a product or business
Product Life Cycle
The stages that a product goes through in its life: Introduction, Growth, Maturity and Decline.
A body that is granted a charter recognizing it as a separate legal entity having its own rights, privileges, and liabilities distinct from those of its members. The primary advantage of a corporation is that it shields its investors from personal liability for any losses a corporation may experience.
Electronic Purchase Order
A legal contract between a buyer and seller that describes the quantity, price and products ordered, terms of payment and delivery that is transmitted electronically over the Internet.
Social Security (FICA)
A tax paid by workers so that they may receive benefits upon retirement.
External Audience
Individuals or groups outside of an organization at whom its communications and promotional efforts are aimed
Consumer Protection
Federal and state laws that regulate the sale and credit policies surrounding consumer sales.
The event where a product or service is released to the public market
Business Analysis
Investigation into the operations of a business to demonstrate the causes behind the results achieved, and the effects of those results on the business.