You need to score at least a Minimum of 60% to pass your history class.
What does Minimum mean?
The smallest or least amount needed
The blade was so keen that I cut myself in four places while shaving my beard.
What does keen mean?
The business owner is wealthy.
What is a synonym for wealthy.
I may have a possible solution.
What is an antonym of solution
What are two meanings for feet?
Part of the body used for walking
a unit of measurement
The wind was so frigid that I had to wear a thick jacket, a hat, and gloves to stay warm.
What does frigid mean?
Extremely cold
Sam tried to fabricate an excuse for being late, but everyone knew he was lying.
What does fabricate mean
To make up or invent something that is not true
That is a strange thing to say.
What is a synonym of strange
The water is in liquid form.
What is an antonym for liquid?
What are two meanings for charge?
To ask for money for a service or item
to run towards something with speed
to replenish a battery
The wild fires were a terrible Calamity affecting thousands of people and leaving many homeless.
What does Calamity mean?
A very bad event or disaster
The crowd was jubilant after their team won the Super bowl.
What does jubilant mean?
Very happy and excited.
I will tidy up the kitchen.
What is a synonym of tidy
The character was cowardly.
What is an antonym of cowardly
What are two meanings for tackle?
To stop an opponent in a sport
to begin working on something
The house has been vacant for a while, no one has lived there in years
What does vacant mean?
Empty or not being used
Owls are nocturnal, which means they are active at night and sleep during the day.
What does nocturnal mean?
Active during the night
My favorite shirt has vanished.
What is a synonym for vanished?
My grandparents are elderly.
What is an antonym for elderly?
What are two meanings for bug?
An insect
To annoy or bother someone
The weather was Dismal, with dark louds and constant rain throughout the day.
What does Dismal mean?
Very sad, gloomy, or unpleasant
The math problem was so difficult that it completely perplexed me.
What does perplexed mean?
To confuse or puzzle someone
I embraced my dad at the airport.
What is a synonym for embraced
The food taste bland.
What is an antonym for bland
What are two meanings for novel
A long fiction book
New or unusual