Debonair (adjective)
What is confident, stylish, and charming (typically used of a man)?
What is the study of earthquakes?
Acculturation (noun)
What is assimilation to a different culture, typically the dominant one?
Baboonery (noun)
What are activities or attitudes that are brutish, degrading, or nonsensically humorous?
What is "y'all"?
Avant-garde (noun)
What are new and unusual ideas, especially in the arts, or the people introducing them?
What is the study of trash?
Abrogate (verb)
What is to repeal or do away with (a law, right, or formal agreement)? (also to evade)
Dongle (noun)
What is a small electronic device that connects to a computer that is sometimes used as an adapter for other devices?
A b-word that is commonly used to refer to lower extremity garments.
What is "britches?"
Detente (noun)
What is the easing of strained relations, especially between countries?
What is the study of feces (or scat)?
Auricular (adjective)
What is relating to the ear or hearing?
Oomph (noun)
What is to give something a punch, gusto, or person charm?
What is "piddlin'?"
Sommelier (noun)
What is a wine steward?
What is the study of soil from past geological eras?
Antiquarian (noun)
Who is a person who studies or collects antiques?
Quackle (verb)
What is to choke or suffocate?
An f-word that is used to refer to what you are about to do. It can also be used as a noun for food.
What is "fixin'?"
Manque (adjective)
What is having failed to become what one might have been; unfulfilled?
*Daily Double* Xylotomy
What is the study of wood?
Admonitory (adjective)
What is giving or conveying a warning or reprimand?
Whiffler (noun)
What is a person who dodges arguments through evasion?
A common u-word used to describe someone who is acting inappropriately.
What is "ugly?"