What word in the sentence is the NOUN?
The school was located in Michigan
school - nouns are person, places, or things
State if
hardworking and lazy
are synonyms or antonyms.
opposites! antonyms!
Based on the context clues, what does TRIO mean?
two duet three pair
The TRIO sang a lovely harmony.
What is three?
What is the correct spelling?
What is surprise?
Define the PREFIX dis as in
dislike disagree disappear
Dis means NOT
What word in the sentences is an ADJECTIVE?
The blue jacket was on the floor.
What is blue?
State if
go crazy and crash out
are antonyms or synonyms.
What are synonyms
Based on the context clues, what does TRILL mean?
sing rouse take flight hide
The birds began to TRILL as the sun rose in the sky.
What is sing?
What is the correct spelling?
What is receive?
Define re- as in
rewrite reread review reply
Re means to do again
What word in the sentences is an VERB?
The talented athletes were practicing for the game.
What is were practicing?
State if
birth and death
are antonyms or synonyms.
What are antonyms?
Based on the context clues, what does VITALITY mean?
happiness wrinkles energy wisdom
Susan has a lot of VITALITY even though she is eighty years old.
What is energy?
What is separate?
Define un- as in
unbelievable untie unaware unexpected
What is "not"?
What word in the sentence is the PRONOUN?
They went to the midnight movie.
What is they?
State if
wealthy and poverty
are antonyms or synonyms.
What are antonyms?
Based on the context clues, what does SPECULATED mean?
denied refused enjoyed thought
The scientist SPECULATED about life on other planets.
What is thougtht?
What is the correct spelling?
What is accommodate?
Define the SUFFIX less as in
fearless homeless careless
Less means without
What word in the sentence is the ADJECTIVE?
Sara and Jake saw a scary movie.
Scary is an adjective - it DESCRIBES the movie
State if
trip and journey
are antonyms or synonyms.
What are synonyms?
Based on the context clues, what does KNOLLS mean?
trees hills people houses
The height of the KNOLLS across the land made it impossible to see very far.
What are hills?
What is the correct spelling?
What is embarrassed
Define the SUFFIX -able
washable. usable. doable
-able means can be done