A large-scale destruction, especially by fire
What is a holocaust
A longing for something past
What is nostalgia?
What is a noun?
When I tasted my grandmother's recipe, a wave of ______________ washed over me.
What is nostalgia?
Not affected or hurt by
What is impervious?
The purest essence or form of something
What is quintessence?
What is an adjective
When the English teacher procrastinated grading student papers, she showed the _____________ of an English major.
What is quintessence?
A moving force, impulse, stimulus
What is impetus?
To return to an earlier condition
What is retrogress?
What is a noun?
When I visit my grandparents, I ___________ into a spoiled little kid and let them bring me plates of food and cups of chocolate milk while I watch cartoons.
What is retrogress?
What is jeopardy?
To examine closely
What is scrutinize?
What is a noun?
Ms. Landrum has to _________________ your writing so she can give you feedback on how to improve.
What is scrutinize?
Particular about details
What is meticulous?
Unenthusiastic, marked by an absence of interest
What is tepid?
What is an adjective?
She hurt his feelings with her ____________ response to the anniversary gift he made for her.
What is tepid?