incapable of being appeased or pacified
What does the word implacable mean?
transaction. trade-off. quid pro quo. reciprocation
What is the synonym for commutation?
This picture summarizes this word
What picture defines chafe?
The Greek root word "psycho" means this...
What is "soul; spirit" and is the root of words like psychology, psychic?
The prefix word "anti-" means...
What is "against" and is the root of words like
anticlimax, antithetical?
very impressive; far beyond what is usual
What does it mean to be prodigious?
What is a synonym of consternation?
This picture defines this word
What is denounce?
The Greek root word "phon" means this...
What is "sound" and is the root of words like phone, symphony?
The Greek root word "techno" means...
What is "art; science; skill" and is the root of words like technique, technological?
a relief from harm or discomfort
What does the word respite mean?
scold, admonish, castigate, censure, chide
What is a synonym of rebuke?
This picture summarizes this word
What is a manacle ?
The Greek root word "pseudo" means this...
What is "false" and is the root of words like pseudonym, pseudoscience?
The Greek root word "therm" means...
What is "heat" and is the root of words like thermal, thermometer?
prevent the progress or free movement of
What does the word hamper mean?
whip, hide, slash, slap
What is the synonym of the word flog?
This picture is an example of this.
What is miscreant?
The Greek root word "photo/phos" means this...
What is "light" and is the root of words like photograph, phosphorous?
The Greek root word "tele" means...
What is "far off" and is the root of words like television, telephone?
light teasing
How would you define raillery?
diatribe, attack, criticism, rant
What is the synonym of the word tirade?
This image helps define this word.
What image means endeavor?
The Greek root word "phobia" means this...
What is "fear" and is the root of words like claustrophobia, hydrophobic?
The Greek root word "scope" means this...
What is "viewing instrument" and is the root of words like microscope, telescope?