Burn Your Lips Off

Maya Angelou was mute for almost 5 years. What does mute mean?

a. She could not see

b. She could not walk

c. She could not talk

d. She could not read


c. She could not talk 


In times of crisis, police officers must appear nonchalant while helping upset citizens.

In this sentence, nonchalant means:

a. calm

b. high strung

c. panic

d. unconcerned

a. calm


"The bench had obviously been abandoned to decrepitude long ago: its wooden construction sagged with the weight of past rains and encroaching moss."

What does the word ENCROACHING most likely mean?

a. invading

b. perishing

c. living

d. departing

a. invading


Later in the speech, Michelle Obama says...

"And today, as First Lady, whenever the term "authentic" is used to describe me, I take it as a tremendous compliment, because I know that I am following in the footsteps of great women like Maya Angelou. But really, I'm just a beginner -- I am baby-authentic. (Laughter.) Maya Angelou, now she was the original, she was the master."

The word authentic most likely means

a. true.

b. honest.

c. appropriate.

d. genuine.

d. genuine.


Define the following word: ambidextrous

able to use both hands equally well


The defendant felt vindicated when the truth became known and all charges were dropped against him.

In this sentence, vindicated means:

a. cleared from blame

b. cleared from obligation

c. cleared from peer pressure

d. cleared from expectations

a. cleared from blame


Read the following sentence.

"The silent music machines are mere placeholders that belie the fact that taped recordings are playing through concealed speakers."

What does the word belie most likely mean?

a. boast

b. cooperate

c. taunt

d. misrepresent

d. misrepresent


The festival was bright and colorful, but Danny's clothes were PALLID and lacked vibrancy.

What is the definition of PALLID?

a. unaware

b. hostile

c. dull

d. direct

c. dull 


 To this, perceiving no objection, I consented, stipulating only that my real name should be retained. Two numbers of the pretended fiction appeared, consequently, in the "Messenger" for January and February (1837), and, in order that it might certainly be regarded as fiction, the name of Mr. Poe was affixed to the articles in the table of contents of the magazine. 

Based on its use in the passage, what does the word "consented" most nearly mean?

a. disagreed

b. confirmed

c. opened

d. agreed


d. agreed 

Consented" comes up in the narrator's discussion of his agreement and negotiations with Edgar Allen Poe about the publication of his stories. Notice, that the verb consented refers to the narrator's response to a Poe's "proposal." Since we know that the narrative was published as a result, we know that the narrator must not have "disagreed" with the proposed terms. Given the nature of the discussion, we can also eliminate "opened" as an option, as it's irrelevant to the context.

So, now you are left to choose between two pretty similar answers: "agreed" and "confirmed." From here, you should realize, given the contractual nature of the context, that "agreed," as in reaching an agreement, is more appropriate.


 Define the following word: capacious 

large, roomy; extensive


Choose the correct definition for the word in all caps.

After much work, Dan had the kite ALOFT.

a. high up in the air

b. on the ground

c. in mid air

d. going 

a. high up in the air


(2) These students jeopardize their academic careers each time they take a short cut. Losing credit for a class and getting expelled are among the many consequences for cheating in academic institutions. Schools often note instances of academic dishonesty on student transcripts, causing detriment to the students' future educational and employment opportunities.

Read the sentence from the passage.

"These students jeopardize their academic careers each time they take a 'short cut.' "

What does the word JEOPARDIZE most likely mean?

a. design

b. put at risk

c. play with

d. excuse

b. put at risk


Which sentence from the passage best supports the definition of abuse?

a. Medicines that treat illness can also become drugs of abuse when people take them to get high—not because they're sick and following their doctor's orders.

b. Or they may be legal for adults only, like alcohol and tobacco.

c. That's why people keep taking them—to have those good feelings again and again.

d. Some people who feel very worried, afraid, or sad abuse drugs to try to stop feeling so awful.

a. Medicines that treat illness can also become drugs of abuse when people take them to get high—not because they're sick and following their doctor's orders.


White at first refused to leave them, but finally consented. A warm interest in the feeble settlement and love for his little granddaughter, born soon after the settlers arrived, persuaded him to yield. This little girl, the first white girl born in America, was named after the new country, Virginia, her full name being Virginia Dar. 

In context, what does the bolded and underlined word "feeble" mean?

a. old and well-established

b. weak and vulnerable

c. small and prosperous

d. strong and well-fortified


b. weak and vulnerable


Define the following word: congenital

existing since birth


"The author says many modern-day fish evolved from earlier types of fish."

Based on the information in the passage, EVOLVED means

a. gradually developed into a more complex form.

b. moved from one habitat to another.

c. closely resembled in shape and appearance.

d. shared the same biological parents.

a. gradually developed into a more complex form.


Choose the BEST definition for the word in all caps.

The orange sweater does not SUIT Melissa because she has red hair.

a. to make appropriate or acceptable

b. to meet the requirements

c. to please or satisfy

d. men's clothing 

c. to please or satisfy (fit/match) 


Pick the best word to fit in the blank in the following sentence. 

"We could not have chosen a more ----- spot for our picnic," she observed as she swept ants off the blanket.

a. inopportune

b.  best

c. lucky

d. ravishing 

a. inopportune


While Janice was on the cruise ship, she lived the life of a hedonist and spent most of her days in search of pleasure.

In this sentence, hedonist DOES NOT mean:

a. person who seeks pleasure

b. person who seeks joy

c. person who seeks boredom

d. person who seeks happiness

c. person who seeks boredom


Define the following word: metaphor

comparing two or more things WITHOUT using "like" or "as." 


Choose the correct definition for the word in all caps.

The prince LACED golden ribbons into her braided hair.

a. loosened

b. signed

c. intertwined

d. tied

c. intertwined


Choose the correct definition for the word in all caps.

Editing is a FUSSY job because you must pay attention to details.

a. easily upset, as if to complain, cry, or whine

b. needing little attention to detail

c. hard to please 

d. unnecessary detail/decoration.

d. unnecessary detail/decoration.


“There was nothing to do but flop down on the shabby little couch and howl.” 

Which word in this quoted sentence indicates the couple’s poverty?

a. nothing

b. flop

c. shabby

d. howl

c. shabby (run-down; dilapidated; deteriorated) 


When I found myself on my feet, I looked about me, and must confess I never beheld a more entertaining prospect. The country around appeared like a continued garden, and the enclosed fields, which were generally forty feet square, resembled so many beds of flowers. These fields were intermingled with woods of half a stang, and the tallest trees, as I could judge, appeared to be seven feet high. I viewed the town on my left hand, which looked like the painted scene of a city in a theatre.

In the context of the passage, what does the bolded and underlined word "beheld" most nearly mean? 

a. held

b. seen 

c. imagined

d. experienced

b. seen 

Why: First, let's look at the context. The sentence in which the word appears begins with the author describing the action of "look[ing] about [him]." Immediately thereafter he tells us more about how the country "appeared." While "beheld" can be used generally to refer to general experience, in this context, since the author exclusively refers to the things he is "seeing," the most reasonable inference to draw is that behold, in this context, only refers to that which he perceives visually.


Define the following word: simile 

comparing two or more things USING "like" or "as." 
