definition of revolution
complete change of thinking,working,or living
definition of migration
movement of people from one place to another
definition of archaeologist
scientist who studies human life in the past by examining the things that people left behind
definition of nomad
person who moves from place to place without a permanent home
definition of civilization
complex society that has cities,a well organized government,and workers with specialized job skills
definition of domesticate
change the growth of plants,or behavior of animals in ways that are useful for humans
definition of adapt
definition of prehistory
time before humans invented writing
definition of hunter gatherer
person who lives by hunting animals,and gathering plants
definition of resource
supply of something that can be used as needed
definition of surplus
definition of clan
group of families with a common ancestor
definition of fossil
preserved remains of ancient human,animal,or plant
definition of culture
beliefs,customs,practices and behavior of a particular nation,or group of people
definition of religion
peoples beliefs and practices about the existence,nature,or a worship of a god or gods
definition of specialization
act of concentrating on a limited number of goods or activities
definition of environment
definition of artifact
object made by a human being
definition of technology
tools and skills people use to meet their needs and wants
definition of social class
people living in similar economic conditions
definition of populate
to become an inhabitant of a place
definition of anthropology
study of humankind in all aspects especially development and culture
definition of geologist
scientist who studies the physical materials of the earth itself,such as soil and rocks
definition of economy
a system that a community uses to produce,and distribute goods,and services
definition of polytheism
belief in more than one god