Define the word: Advantage
a thing that helps you to be better or more successful than other people.
a quality of something that makes it better or more useful.
Abundant - definition
existing in large quantities; more than enough
Define "impact"
the powerful effect that something has on somebody/something
Use "while" in a sentence.
We must have been burgled while we were asleep.
Her parents died while she was still at school.
Is it "similar" used to compare or contrast?
Use it in a sentence.
My two dogs are similar.
a road vehicle without an engine that is pulled by a car, designed for people to live and sleep in, especially when they are on holiday/vacation
Use "ample" in a sentence
There was ample time to get to the airport.
Ample free parking is available.
Give an example of "ignore"
He ignored all the ‘No Smoking’ signs and lit up a cigarette.
I made a suggestion but they chose to ignore it.
We cannot afford to ignore their advice.
How was the "old man's eye"?
White and looked like a vulture.
What's Miss Génesis favorite's American Football team?
Go Pack Go!
Seal. if it is not an animal, what is it?
to close an envelope, etc. by sticking the edges of the opening together
Give an example of "antique" used in context.
an antique wooden desk.
What's a verbs?
a word or group of words that expresses an action (such as eat), an event (such as happen) or a state
What did the mad man listen to?
heart of the old man
What's the "hue" of the scariest room in Prince Prospero's House?
What's Pestilence?
any infectious disease that spreads quickly and kills a lot of people
What's an adjective?
a word that describes a person or thing, for example big, red and clever in a big house, red wine and a clever idea
Definition of "cry"
to produce tears from your eyes because you are unhappy or hurt
What's Miss Génesis Favorite's series?
Naruto :O
Where is E.A. Poe From?
Boston, Massachusetts.
What's a noun?
a word (other than a pronoun) used to identify any of a class of people, places, or things ( common noun ), or to name a particular one of these ( proper noun ).
Use "magnificent" in a sentence.
The Taj Mahal is a magnificent building.
She looked magnificent in her wedding dress.
You've all done a magnificent job.
Definition of "daunt"
to make somebody feel nervous and less confident about doing something
E.A. Poe's Wife's name?
Virginia Clemm
What's the definition of "brazier" in the red death?
a large metal container that holds a fire and is used to keep people warm when they are outside.
a brazier of red-hot charcoal