a phrase used to advertise or support a cause
relating to the correction of bad behavior
requested that another court review an earlier court's decision
broke a rule; did something that is not allowed
took to court; started a lawsuit against
information that tells you about something that is going to happen
the state of keeping thoughts or feelings inside
certain type of pants that are light brown and usually nicer than jeans
khaki pants
a court that can change another court's decision on a case
higher court
an addition to the U.S. Constitution that says the federal government will not make laws that establish a national religion or prevent people from practicing their religion; nor will it make laws that prevent people from expressing themselves, assembling to protest something, or petitioning the government about something they would like to change
First Amendment
a part of the U.S. Constitution containing ten amendments, or improvements, which list personal freedoms guaranteed to each individual
Bill of Rights
relating to the United States Constitution
the right to state opinions, beliefs, and preferences without fear of punishment
Free Speech
a committee, usually elected, that makes decisions about local public schools
school board