"This word mean good sign for future, lucky start."
what is Auspicious
"This word mean small group control country or power."
what is oligarchy
what is Omnipotent
this is referred to as "talking out a bill" or "talking a bill to death."
what is Filibuster
a "circle" cookie in squid game can be cracked, if not you live in the cycle.
what is circumnavigate
"This word mean science of very tiny things, like small as atoms."
what is Nanotechnology
"This word mean list of words or all words someone know."
what is Lexicon
this word, scientist always use or oragansim, systematics.
what is Taxonomy
this word means "okay, passable, but less than good."
what is Adequate
''This term refers to the fear or hatred of people from other countries."
what is Xenophobia
"This word mean a model or example of how things work."
what is Paradigm
"This word mean change voting area to help one side win."
what is Gerrymander
"This word mean all same, no different."
"What is homogeneous?"
this word has protein and DNA that mixes together to form into genes.
what is Chromosome
"This term refers to a system of names used in a particular field or subject."
what is nomenclature
"This word mean take power or position from someone else."
what is usurp
"This word mean give right to vote."
what is Enfranchise
"This word mean give up power or job."
what is Abdicate
this words is use like this: "the benevolent gave me some bus money."
what is Benevolent
"This word means study of heat, energy, and how they move or change."
"This word mean speaking to yourself, usually in a play or speech."
what is Soliloquy
"This word help some big words of a company in short, like FBI USA.
what is Acronym
this word describes us Samoan. ready for a fight, ready for war
what is bellicose
this word is like a blueprint of a building.
what is Infrastructure
"This word means when two things are done in return or opposite to each other."
What is reciprocal