composed of lines or figures like those of geometry, as a painting or design.
to treat as or put in a position of lesser rank or importance; lower.
the state of forgetting or unconsciousness, forgetfulness.
"What are you looking at? She's an American citizen. She's got as much a right as anybody to walk around on the street!"
Page 145
What's the difference between a central idea and a main idea?
Central idea- Main message or theme
Main idea- The main event or plot of a story
the act or an instance of being questioned
Synonyms: Interviewed
having a form or arrangement of parts with an equal and matching distribution on each side of a central position
synonyms: balanced, even.
Suffix meaning having to do with; characterized by; like
At that age I was too young to consciously use my sexuality or to understand how an Asian female can fascinate Caucasian men, and of course far too young to see that even this is usually just another form of invisibility.
Page 147
What does SEEC stand for?
S-Topic Statement
E- Evidence
developing in a manner similar to living things; natural.
Synonyms: nonchemical, natural, pure, additive free
different, especially in the arrangement of space, on either side of a center line;
Synonym: uneven
to bear up under adversity, or to function in spite of;
Synonym: persevere.
"You cannot deport 110,000 people unless you have stopped seeing individual"
Page 142
On page 142 Jeanne said "I wouldn't be faced with physical attack, or even with overt shows of hatred."
What does this statement mean?
What would the opposite of OVERT hatred be?
The Racism Jeanne faced would never be direct racism, it would be subtle, such as being ignored or excluded.
The opposite would be direct racism such as insults or racial slurs directly to her face. For example, the way Ned's teachers Overtly assaulted him.
to compare two things or people in order to make differences clear
to emerge as dominant; overcome.
Commitment or loyalty to a country, leader, or cause.
Synonym: faithfulness, fidelity
What page is the Loyalty oath that was given to Papa?
Page 73
What 2 colors are not technically considered colors but a hue?
Black, white
To treat a certain group of people as if they are not important
to try or work hard; exert oneself
Of the home country or home.
Synonyms: Indigenous; native
In Chapter 8 It says "I'm going to kill you this time!"
Who was threatening who?
Papa threatened Mama
"Chapter 5 highlights the early effects of internment on Jeannie’s family. Her father, Papa, returns from imprisonment a broken man, which disrupts the family structure. His struggles with identity and masculinity begin influencing Jeannie’s perception of what it means to be Japanese American. "
Find at least TWO pieces of evidence that prove the statements.
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