What would you call this?
sting - ukąszenie, ukłucie, użądlenie
swollen arm - opuchnięta ręka
What is this sport called?
A. javelin
B. shot put
C. discus throw
Shot put
What is this type of painting called?
Still life, still art
A synonym for 'aggravate'
Give an example in a sentence.
deteriorate - pogarszać się (o stanie czegoś), podupadać (o zdrowiu)
aggravate - pogarszać (np. sytuację), utrudniać (zrobienie czegoś)
There are fears that the situation might deteriorate into full-scale war.
The weather conditions are deteriorating.
Grant's health steadily deteriorated.
A synonym for 'comply with something'
Give an example in a sentence.
adhere to something
Your son is a hopeless case - he doesn't adhere to any rules.
A mild injury to the brain, caused by a blow to the head:
A. stroke
B. cast
C. concussion
D. scratch
What do the other words mean?
C. CONCUSSION - wstrząśnienie mózgu
stroke - udar mózgu
cast - gips
scratch - zadrapanie
How do you call a person who got second place?
What is this called?
A. flyleaf
B. spine
C. blurb
C. Blurb - notka reklamowa, notka wydawnicza, krótkie streszczenie utworu (np. na okładce książki)
Spine - grzbiet książki
Flyleaf - wklejka w książce
What is this?
A. allotment
B. estuary
C. famine
allotment - działka (rekreacyjna)
famine - głód
What's a baby horse called?
Foal - źrebak
When a patient does not receive appropriate care in line with the high standards expected of those in the medical or healthcare profession, and experiences direct harm or the worsening of their condition as a result.
A. negligence
B. withdrawal
C. ailment
What do the other words mean?
A. negligence
withdrawal - odstawienie
ailment - dolegliwość, niedomaganie
Name those places:
1. Golf c_ _ _ _ _
2. Ice r _ _ _
3. Ski s_ _ _ _
4. Football p_ _ _ _
5. Basketball c _ _ _ _
Golf course
Ice rink
Ski slope
Football pitch
Basketball court
Which of these words means 'obnosić się, wystawiać na pokaz, paradować'?
A. flaunt
B. hail
C. prescient
What do the other words mean?
Hail - pochwalić, okrzyknąć bardzo dobrym
Prescient - proroczy
To decide to do something, especially a difficult task:
A. uptake
B. undertake
C. overtake
Give an example in a sentence.
UNDERTAKE - podjąć się, przedsięwziąć
You should think carefully before you undertake a climbing expedition.
uptake - absorpcja, pobieranie, pobór
(the uptake of glucose into the muscles)
overtake - wyprzedzić, ogarnąć
(When I entered the house, fear overtook me.)
Which expression means 'wytrwać, nie ustawać'?
A. persevere
B. put your foot in it
C. obsolete
What do the remaining phrases mean?
A. persevere
put your foot in it - popełnić gafę
obsolete - przestarzały
What is this?
Pancreas - trzustka
Which one of those means 'sędzia'
A. jeer
B. crestfallen
C. umpire
D. striker
What do the rest of them mean?
C. Umpire
jeer - szydzić, wyśmiewać
crestfallen - przybity, przygnębiony
striker - napastnik
What do we call a book that you need to read as an assignment for school?
set book - lektura szkolna
What is this?
Beak - dziób
How to say that your battery has no more power left?
A. short battery
B. flat battery
C. low battery
flat battery
Name those symptoms in Polish:
1. Chills
2. Nausea
3. Acute abdomen ache
4. Runny nose
1. Chills - dreszcze
2. Nausea - nudności, mdłości
3. Acute abdomen ache - przenikliwy/ostry ból brzucha
4. Runny nose - katar
Fill out the blanks with the correct words:
1. knock someone ____ - znokautować kogoś
2. ______ something out – stłumić coś, ugasić coś
3. _______ face – smutna mina
4. Be a far ____ from sth - bardzo się różnić od czegoś, w niczym nie
1. knock someone out - znokautować kogoś
2. stamp something out – stłumić coś, ugasić coś
3. Long face – smutna mina
4. Be a far cry from sth - bardzo się różnić od czegoś, w niczym nie
Fill out the blanks with the correct words:
1. ____ and far between - rzadko
2. up-and-______ - dobrze się zapowiadający, obiecujący
3. ______-the-____ - skrajny, przesadzony
1. few and far between - rzadko
2. up-and-coming - dobrze się zapowiadający, obiecujący
3. over-the-top - skrajny, przesadzony
A metal made by combining two or more metallic elements, especially to give greater strength or resistance to corrosion.
A. debris
B. malware
C. alloy
ALLOY - stop metali
malware - złośliwe oprogramowanie
debris - szczątki, odłamki, odpady
Which expression means 'ryzykować'?
A. press one's luck
B. run the risk
C. go out on a limb
D. all of the above
D. all of the above