To be filled with amazement, disgust, fear, or terror
What does apparition mean?
A ghost or ghostly figure; an unexplained or unusual apperance.
To crouch or shrink away in fear or shame
What does inaudible mean?
Unable to be heard
What does disdain mean?
To look upon with scorn; to refuse scornfully; a feelign of contempt.
What does plausible mean?
Appearing true, reasonable, or fair
What does facetious mean?
Humorous, not metant seriously
What part of speech is aghast?
What is the part of speech of ample?
What part of speech is epitaph?
What does jurisdiction mean?
What's an addendum?
A thing that is added; an addition.
What does proximity mean? Whats its part of speech?
1/2 if u got one wrong
What part of speech is volatile?
What part of speech is apparition?
What is an antonym to prodigal?
frugal, conserving, economical, sparing, stingy, cheap ( saying not wasteful is 1/2 )
What is a synonym for pulverize?
grind, pound , destroy, overcome, crush, smashing to fragments...
What are some synonyms of volatile?
Assert meaning? Part of speech?
(VERB) To declare or state as truth, maintain or defend, put forward forcefully
According to the book, what is the verb and noun version of intrigue?
V) To form and carry out plots; to puzzle or excite the curiosity.
Put both parts of speech of plebian. Do both parts of speech have a similar meaning?
A: Common, vulgar; belonging to lower class
N: A common person, member of lower class
In any two books we read, what was unethical ( in the story ) ??
Lyddie ( Working conditions )
Anne Frank ( Killing of the Jews; persecution )
What are antonyms of indiscriminate?
selective, systematic, homogenous, uniform
1/2 if you said discriminate
What part of speech is inaudible and cower?