How do you call a K-12 student in France?
un élève
How do you say "online" in French?
en ligne
What does "je ne supporte pas" mean?
I cannot stand
What does "avoir la trouille" mean?
to be scared
When would you use "vos"?
formal + plural word
What does "veuve" mean?
How do you say "wireless" in French?
sans fil
What is "les marionnettes"?
How do you say "I like to sing" in French? Is there a preposition between "like" and "to sing"?
j'aime chanter
no preposition
When would you use "votre"?
formal + singular word
What is " une famille recomposée"?
blended family
What is "le droit des brevets"?
patent law
What is the Mona Lisa painting called in French?
la Joconde
What does "je ne sais pas à quelle sauce je vais etre mangé" mean?
I don't know what will happen to me
How do you say "I look forward to hearing from you soon" at the end of an email?
J'attends avec impatience
J'ai hate
J'espere bientot recevoir
What is "un mensonge"
a lie
What is "le droit des marques"?
trademark law
What is "le conte"?
a tale/fairytale
What preposition follows the verb "participer"?
How do you say "can you help me?" in French?
Peux-tu m'aider?
Pouvez-vous m'aider?
What is le PACS?
French contract for 2 people living together but not wishing to marry
what does "néfaste" mean? when can you use it?
it means detrimental
use it instead of mal/mauvais
What does "en herbe" mean?
What preposition follows the verb "rever"?
How do you say "I am interested in photography" in French?
Je suis intéressé par la photographie