What is Addition
A four sided figure with all sides equal
What is a Square
1 cm equals how many mm's
What is 10 cm
What would you measure the length of your pencil with
What is centimetres
What does CENTI mean
What is one hundredth
Take Away
What is subtract
A three sided figure
What is a Triangle
convert 200cm to metres
What is 2 m
What unit of measurement measures your weight
What is Kilograms
What does MILLI mean
What is one thousandth
What is Multiply
A four sided figure with opposite sides equal and parallel
What is a rectangle
Convert 5 cm to millimetres
What is 50 mm
What unit of measurement measures a road trip
What is Kilometres
What is KILO mean
What is one thousand
What is Divide
What is a six sided figure
What is a Hexagon
Convert 5 km to metres
What is 5000 m
What measurement is used to measure the amount of water in a pool
What is Litres
What does DECI mean
What is one tenth
Multiply a number by itself
What is Square
What is a one sided figure
What is a circle
Convert 2 500 m to kilometres
What is 2.5 km
What measurement is used to tell the time
Hours and Minutes
What does HECTO mean
What is one hundredth