Words with more than one meaning
Roots and Affixes
Context Clues

"Paul's sense of humor was his best attribute."

Read the dictionary defintion for the word attribute.


1. (n.) a characteristic or quality

2. (v) to explain by suggesting a cause

Which definition above is being used in the sentence?

A. Definition 1

B. Definition 2

A. Definition 1


The prefix co- means:

A. twins

B. together

C. better

D. undo

B. Together


Use context clues to guess the meaning of the word "rove".

"Two more helicopters landed at different helipads while the searchlights continued to rove the compound."

rove: to move around, wander, roam


Read the dictionary entry.


1. (n.) a written agreement

2. (v.) to get, acquire or incur

Which definition is being used in the sentence below?

Maya contracted the flu from a child in her class.

A. Definition 1

B. Definition 2

B. Definition 2


I can use the meaning of the words automatic, automobile, and autograph, to know that the prefix auto- means:

A. car

B. write

C. self

D. school

C. Self


Use context clues to guess the meaning of the word "flagrant". 

"After the basketball player committed a flagrant foul, he was kicked out of the game."

noticeably bad



1. (adj.) happy or satisfied

2. (n.) all that is contained inside something

Which definition is used in the sentence below?

This program includes inappropriate content.

A. Definition 1

B. Definition 2

B - Definition 2


The prefix pre- as in "preview", "preface", and "pregame" means:

A. below

B. before

C. better

D. after

B. before


Use context clues to guess the meaning of the word "promontory".

If we take one more step off the mountain's promontory, we will fall into the ocean.

promontory: a high point of land or rock jutting out into a body of water


Read the dictionary entry. 


1. (n.) a reduction in price

2. (v.) to underestimate the significance of 

Which definition is being used in the sentence below?

Don't discount my skills because I'm young.

A. Definition 1

B. Definition 2

B. Definition 2


Sometimes different keepers used the same event to mark a year. In 1833, many Lakota Indians saw a spectacular meteor shower. They watched as many shooting stars flashed across the night sky and appeared to drop to Earth.

Read this information about the origin of spectacular.

from Latin spectaculum, meaning “a sight or show”

The origin helps the reader understand that the word spectacular in the paragraph above refers to an event that is —

A amazing to watch

B viewed for many hours

C seen at night

D rarely noticed

A. amazing to watch


Use context clues to guess the word's meaning. 

"The incessant barking of the neighborhood dog kept everyone awake for most of the night."

continuing without interruption


Driving down the highway, stores and factories dissolve into cows and cornflowers...

Read the dictionary entry.


1. to melt into a liquid

2. to undo or break apart

3. to fade away

4. to be overcome with emotion

Which definition of the word dissolve is used in the poem excerpt above?

A Definition 1

B Definition 2

C Definition 3

D Definition 4

C - Definition 3


These images verified that koalas hug trees to keep cool. They showed that the tree trunks and lower limbs were up to nine degrees cooler than the surrounding air. The trees kept cool by drawing up water through their roots from deep below ground.

Read this information about the origin of the word verify.

from Latin “verus”, meaning “true”

This information helps the reader know that verified in the paragraph above means —

A proved

B compared

C observed

D suspected

A. proved


“I know it’s not exactly fair,” Mom said, “but if you want your own room, you’ll have to make some concessions.”

I knew she meant I had to let Kirk have his own way.

In this paragraph, the word concessions refers to something that is —

F - created by accident

G - decided without much thought

H - kept in a special area

J - done in order to come to an agreement

J - done in order to come to an agreement
