What does the prefix "un-" mean?
Not or Opposite of
What suffix can you add to the word cat to make the word plural?
What is the base word in the word cats?
Add the prefix "un-" to the word wrap. What is the new word?
What does "unhappy" mean?
not happy
What word can you form by adding the prefix "un-" to "happy"?
What suffix can you add to the word jump to make it past tense?
What is the base word in the word talked?
Add the suffix "ing" to a base word of your choice.
Many answers
What does "rebuild" mean?
build again
What word can you form by adding the prefix "re-" to "build"?
What does the suffix "-s" indicate?
plural, more than one
What is the base word in the word rebuild?
Add the suffix "-ed" to the word "walk"
What does "jumped" mean
past tense of jump
What does the prefix "dis-" mean?
Not or opposite of
What does the suffix "-ed" indicate?
past tense
What is the base word in the word jumping
Add a suffix to the word dance
dances, dancing, dancer, danced
What does "apples" mean?
more than one apple
What does the prefix "re-" mean ?
What does the suffix "-ing" indicate?
ongoing action or doing
What is the base word in the word unhappiness?
Add a prefix and a suffix to the word write
Rewriting or rewrites
What does the word "rewind" mean
wind again