The new school year will commence on September 1.
Commence means to start.
Synonyms: begin, kick off, open
Antonyms: end, finish, stop
We were grateful that the rain held off during the parade.
Grateful describes feeling thankful or showing thanks.
Synonyms: appreciative, pleased
Antonyms: ungrateful, thankless, unappreciative
The pleasing fragrance of cinnamon and honey fills the house.
A fragrance is a sweet smell or a pleasant aroma.
Synonyms: perfume, odor, scent
Antonyms: stink, stench
Museams mount small lights over paintings to illuminate them.
To illuminate means to light up, give light to, or decorate with light. To illuminate also means to make clear or explain.
Synonyms: brighten, highlight, clarify, enlighten
Antonyms: darken, cloud, complicate
Gasoline is one of the most combustible liquids commonly available.
Combustible means able to catch on fire easily or to burn quickly.
Synonyms: flammable, explosive, burnable
Antonyms: incombustible, fireproof
You'd better heed the weather forecast and pack your umbrella.
To heed means to pay close attention to, listen to, or take note of.
Synonyms: notice, take to heart, observe, mind
Antonyms: ignore, disregard
The computer is one of the most significant inventions of our lifetime.
Significant means important, meaningful, or major.
Synonyms: noteworthy, considerable, sizeable
Antonyms: insignificant, trivial, minor
In 1984 Geraldine Ferraro became the first female candidate for vice president.
A candidate is someone who hopes to get a position, an award, or other honor.
Synonyms: contender, applicant, nominee
After spending time in Korea, the group began to acquire a taste for spicy foods.
To acquire means to learn or develop. To acquire also means to become the owner of.
Synonyms: obtain, come by, gain, possess
Antonyms: lose
I can't resist trying a piece of that delectable chocolate cake!
Delectable means very pleasing, delightful, or delicious.
Synonyms: luscious, tasty, scrumptious, appealing
Antonyms: tasteless, unappealing
As they toil in the factory, the workers want to rest and relax.
To toil means to work very hard for a long time. To toil also means to move slowly and with great effort.
Synonyms: labor, strive, plod, sweat, slave
Antonyms: relax, idle
The news was so overwhelming that we didn't know what to say or do.
Overwhelming means very great in amount. Overwhelming things can be too great, powerful, or serious to be resisted or handled. Overwhelming events can crush or bury you.
Synonyms: profuse, enormous, tremendous immense
Antonyms: minor, trivial, inconsequential
Expect to see an amazing array of attire at the costume party.
Attire is clothing, generally wearable items that are more splendid than usual.
Synonyms: outfits, garments, dress, getup, gear
The war will end when one army agrees to surrender to the other.
To surrender means to give up fighting, to lay down weapons, to admit defeat, or to give in to the power of another.
Synonyms: yield, submit, concede
Antonyms: hold out, retain, continue, triumph, declare victory
If you have good culinary skills, you may want to open a restaurant.
Culinary means having to do with cooking or in the kitchen, or suitable for use in cooking or kitchens.
Synonyms: gastronomic, dietary
Excited crowds jostle us as we try to catch a glimpse of the parade.
To jostle means to push, to shove, or to crowd into, usually in a rough way.
Synonyms: elbow, bump, clash, jolt, poke
I have only a vague memory of what I dreamed last night.
Vague means not clear, not certain, or blurred.
Synonyms: fuzzy, indistinct, unclear
Antonyms: clear, definite, alert
Common etiquette guides us not to eat until everyone at the table has been served.
Etiquette is the set of rules, habits, or customs for proper conduct or behavior in polite company.
Synonyms: manners, decorum, propriety
Antonym: rudeness
It's not too early to contemplate where we want to go this summer.
To contemplate means to think seriously about something. To contemplate also means to study or observe something carefully.
Synonyms: consider, intend, reflect, ponder
Antonyms: disregard, ignore
That trivial mix-up shouldn't stop us; let's just fix it and go on.
Trivial means not important, or having little value. A trivial event is slight, small, and of no consequence.
Synonyms: trifling, insignificant, petty, minor
Antonyms: important, significant, major
Each fall we reap about 20 bushels of apples form our small orchard.
To reap means to cut down ripe grain or to gather crops at harvest time. To reap also means to get something back in return or as a reward.
Synonyms: harvest, gather, pick, win, earn
Antonyms: plant, sow
Jesse James was one of the most notorious outlasts of the Old West.
Notorious means well known, but for negative reasons. A notorious person or event has a bad reputation.
Synonyms: infamous, disreputable, ill famed
Antonyms: famous
Every single relic from the tomb of King Tut is a priceless link to the past.
A relic is an item from the past. Whether it is an object or an idea, a complete item or just part of it, a relic is always something old.
Synonyms: keepsake, souvenir, artifact, remnant
After the harvest, birds and animals quickly glean the leftovers.
To glean means to gather tidbits left behind by others. To glean also means to take in something bit by bit, such as information or knowledge.
Synonyms: collect, scrape together, figure out
Our teacher is indisposed, so we have a substitute today.
Indisposed means too sick or weak to perform one's normal duties. Indisposed can also mean unwilling.
Synonyms: under the weather, ill
Antonyms: well, healthy