What does LEDC and MEDC stand for and what is the difference?
LEDC= Less economically developed country, MEDC= More economically developed country, LEDC less developed in terms of human life and rights, MEDC being richer and more developed, generally relating to the economy.
True or false economic development show how developed a country is
What is Literacy rate?
Literacy rate refers to the number of people over the age of 15 who can read and write
What are the differences between the Primary sector and the Secondary sector?
Primary sector refers to the exploitation of natural resources. Secondary sector refers to the production of goods and services, such as infrastructure and the building of such projects.
What is life expectancy?
Number of years a newborn is expected to live based on current mortality trends
in which continent would find more LEDC countries
Bonus. what is their number
What are NGOs?
Non Governmental Organizations
What is the definition of HDI?
Human Development Index
What does GDP measure?
How much the country is worth based on goods and products, and how much money the country has
Not a reason for infant mortality rate
Poor sanitation
Good nutrition
Lack of health care
Good nutrition
A social indicator of development
Infant mortality rate
GNI per capita
Infant mortality rate
What is the meaning of TNCs
Transnational corporations
What is the Infant Mortality rate?
The number of Infant deaths per 1000 live births
What is higher, the GDP per capita in the US or Sweden? For an extra 50 points, approximately how much is the difference between them?
Sweden = 61,028 USD or 610,280 kr / US= 70,248 USD or 702,480 kr
If they guess for difference between 6000 dollars and 12000 dollars, they get the extra points
What spreads Malaria?
Mosquitoes are carriers of Malaria as they infect people with blood previously taken from an infected person
What is development measured in today?
HDI, human development index
What does literacy rate show
A percentage of people who can read and write
What is the scale of the HDI?
It is between 0-1
What is the difference between GNI and GDP?
GDP refers to the production of goods and the value of goods within the country. GNI refers to the total income of the country, including the residents of the countries incomes as well
What is the disease T.B and what does it do?
Tuberculosis (TB) is a disease caused by germs that are spread from person to person through the air. TB usually affects the lungs
An economic indicator of development
1. Gross national income per capita
2. Literacy rate
3. Life expectancy
Gross national income per capita
True or False United Arab Emirates is a MEDC country
List all the components which are used to calculate HDI?
Life expectancy, Literacy Rate, GDP Per Capita
What does GDP PPP stand for, and what does it measure?
Gross Domestic Product Purchasing Parity, and it measures the amount of income a country divided by the population of that country. Basically means the average income of a person within the country
What is the difference between birth rate and fertility rate?
Birth rate refers to the number of births per 1000 people while fertility rate refers to number of births per 1000 women in a population