The ability to do something that you know is difficult or dangerous.
What is courage?
An exciting or dangerous experience
What is adventure?
Spell the word with the meaning "a young man in the Middle Ages who helped a knight before eventually becoming a knight himself"
Spell the word with the meaning "a protective metal covering used to keep a person safe from injury during battle"
Words or ideas that are foolish or untrue.
What is nonsense?
Put under a magic spell
What is enchanted?
Spell the word with the meaning "the ability to do something that you know is difficult or dangerous"
Normal or usual
What is ordinary?
A protective metal covering used to keep a person safe from injury during battle
An exciting or dangerous experience?
What is adventure?
Spell the word with the meaning "to change the usual appearance, sound, taste, etc. of something (someone or something) so that people will not recognize that person or thing"
Spell the word with the meaning "to change the usual appearance, sound, taste, etc. of something (someone or something) so that people will not recognize that person or thing"
A young man in the Middle Ages who helped a knight before eventually becoming a knight himself
What is a squire?
Put under a magic spell
What is enchanted?
Spell the word with the meaning "the ability of someone’s mind to form a picture of something without having seen or experienced that thing"
Spell the word with the meaning "an exciting or dangerous experience"
to change the usual appearance, sound, taste, etc. of something (someone or something) so that people will not recognize that person or thing
What is disguise?
Please spell the word with the meaning of "Put under a magic spell"
Spell the word with the meaning "the rank or title of a knight"
the ability of someone’s mind to form a picture of something without having seen or experienced that thing
What is imagination?