Things Dealing with Assessment
Legal aspects
Toss Up
Groups based on the national origin (that is, a country or area of the world) of one's family or ancestors in which members share a culture and sense of common destiny
What are ethnic groups?
The implicit values and expectations that teachers and schools convey about what is important for students to learn.
What is hidden curriculum?
A federal program, first passed by Congress in 1965, that provides financial assistance to schools with large numbers of low-income students to help students meet state standards.
What is Title I?
A preconceived negative attitude toward the members of a group.
What is prejudice?
Socially transmitted ways of thinking, believing, feeling and acting within a group of people that are passed from one generation to the next.
What is culture?
A program designed to meet the needs of a child eligible for special education services. The plan helps educators understand the child's disability and provides directions for the services to be provided by teachers and other school professionals.
What is an individualized education plan (IEP)?
Using more than one measure and type of measure in making a judgment
What is multiple assessments?
A federally funded early childhood education program for three to five year olds from low-income families designed to close the academic gap between them and more advantaged students before kindergarten.
What is Head Start?
A medieval curriculum that consisted of the trivium (grammar, rhetoric, logic) and the quadrivium (arithmetic, geometry, music, astronomy).
What is seven liberal arts?
Teachers who are licensed without a provision and have passed a standardized content test in the subject they teach or for the grades they teach.
What are highly qualified teachers?
The economic condition of individuals based on their own or their family's income, occupation, and educational attainment.
What is socioeconomic status (SES)?
A statistical model that measures student growth over a period of time by comparing student performance on the previous examination with performance on the current examination
What is value-added model?
The legal procedures that must be followed to safeguard individuals from arbitrary, capricious, or unreasonable policies, practices, or actions.
What is due process?
The segregation of students on the basis of law, school policy, or a practice designed to accomplish such separation.
What is de jure segregation?
A theory of discipline that contends that people choose most of their behaviors to gain control of other people or of themselves.
What is control theory?
An educational strategy for teaching English to speakers of other languages without the use of the native language for instruction.
What is English as a second language ( ESL)?
An indication that the information about student learning is consistent a cross repeated use of each assessment or task
What is reliability?
A federal law passed in 2001 that sets goals for achievement for all students and requires that teachers meet certain qualifications.
What is No Child Left Behind (NCLB)?
A situation in which a majority or an individual of a majority is denied certain rights because of preferential treatment provided to a minority or an individual of a minority.
What is reverse discrimination?
The process whereby each state determines the requirements for certification and for obtaining a license to teach.
What is teacher certification and licensure?
Levels of social class ranking based on income, education, occupation, wealth, and power in society.
What is social stratification?
Course work that is based on explicit outcomes of what students should know and be able to do in a subject at a specific grade level as identified in standards
What is standards-based curriculum?
Responsibility for the failure to use reasonable care when such failure results in injury to another.
What is liability?
The belief that one can control one's life.
What is self-efficacy?