What is Unnering?
What is without making a mistake
What is Specious?
What is having a false or misleading appearance; only seeming true.
What is Synergy?
What is the interaction or cooperation of two or more organizations, substances, or other agents to produce a combined effect greater than the sum of their separate effects.
What is Import?
What is to carry into the country.
There was a _____ amount of math homework given to students over the holiday break.
What is Copious.
What is Discord?
What is a Disagreement/Argument.
What is Precocious?
What is becoming mature at a young age;seems more grown up than they actually are.
What is Synthesis?
What is the combination of ideas to form a theory or system.
What is Portly?
What is stout or overweight.
Many believed the Wallenda family was ______ for attempting to walk a tight rope from one New York high rise to another on the windy March day
What is Ludicrous.
What is Redundant?
What is more than necessary; repetition of words or ideas in speech or writing.(Something Repeated)
What is Demote?
What is to move down to a lower level.
What is subtle?
What is delicate or precise as to be difficult to analyze or describe.
What is Dismissive?
What is acting as if not important.
Food banks across the United States and other locations are filled with _________ people who put their busy lives hold to help those less fortunate.
What is Magnanimous.
What is Mitigation?
What is an act of making something less severe/to calm down.
What is Indict?
What is to be formally charged with crime.(Criminal)
What is Subjugate?
What is bring under domination or control, especially by conquest.
What is Submission?
What is easily gives in to others or authority.
The spoiled rich boy was almost always _______ when he flexed his Gucci shoes and Rolex watch to show off all his money.
What is Pompous.
What is Rebuttal?
What is a Argument or Contradiction.
What is Precarious?
What is risky,uncertain,very dangerous.
What is Anachronistic?
What is of todays time but old fashioned.
What is difficulty in writing.
The auto mechanic changed the ______ oil so the Dodge truck would run more smoothy.
What is Viscous.