The meaning is: the factories, machines, technology, tools, equipment, and other man-made goods used to make other goods or services
What is the word?
Capital goods
The sentence is: Every year, Canada's GDP changes.
What is the vocabulary word in that sentence?
The word is: Mixed economy.
What is the meaning?
an economic system with elements of both market and command economies
The sentence is: The US imposed 100% tariffs on EU products such as French mustard and Roquefort cheese.
What is the vocabulary word in that sentence?
What is Canada's economic system?
The word is: Command economy.
What is the meaning?
an economic system based on government rules and regulations
The meaning is: the total market value of the goods and services produced by a country in a specific year divided by the population.
What is the word?
GDP per capita
The meaning is: A naturally-made item, such as a tree, mineral, or fresh water, that people can use to help meet a need or want
What is the word?
Natural resources
The meaning is: the financial deficit or surplus of a country's international trade, calculated by subtracting the monetary value of its import from its exports
What is the word?
What is the capital of Canada?
The meaning is: a tax on imports or exports.
What is the word?
The sentence is: Consider it as an investment in human capital and a sign of fair play.
What is the vocabulary word in that sentence?
Human capital
The sentence is: In such a case, the opportunity cost of not buying quickly is great.
What is the vocabulary word in that sentence?
The word is: currency exchange.
What is the meaning?
a licensed business that allows customers to exchange one currency for another
Where is the capital of Canada located?
The word is: Embargo.
What is the meaning?
a ban on trade with a specific nation or group of nations
The word is: Literacy rate.
What is the meaning?
the percentage of adults who can read and write
The sentence is: The company has imposed quotas on hiring.
What is the vocabulary word in that sentence?
The word is: Trade barrier.
What is the meaning?
Any regulation or policy that restricts international trade, especially tariffs, quotas, or embargoes
What is Canada's climate?
The word is: Entrepreneur.
What is the meaning?
a person who takes a risk and attempts to operate a business
The meaning is: an economic system based on supply and demand, in which consumers and producers can buy and sell what they want
What is the word?
Market economy
The word is: Specialize.
What is the meaning?
to become an expert in a particular subject, skill, or trade; to produce a limited variety of goods and services
What is a traditional economy?
an economic system based on traditional customs and values