lips teeth tip of the tongue
What is diction?
the roof of your mouth
What is hard palate?
The position that your vocal cords are in when you breathe
What is open?
What is water/tea?
We need to lift this in order to have proper posture. It is located in the middle bone of our rib cage
What is sternum?
mouth cavity, soft palate, and back of throat that resonates your sound
What is resonator?
the position that your vocal cords are in when you speak or sing
What is closed?
You should do this to start up your voice
What is warm ups/vocal exercises?
the house where your voice lives; another word for voice box
What is Larynx?
When air passes through our vocal cords they produce sound waves.
What is vibration?
The higher you sing, your vocal cords are stretched this way
What is thinner/longer?
When your voice is strained or tired, you should do this
What is take vocal naps/vocal rest?
an important muscle that plays an important role in breath support
What is diaphragm?
this closes over our vocal cords when we swallow
What is epiglottis?
The lower you sing, your vocal cords are stretched this way
What is thicker/shorter?
You should avoid these types of foods before singing
What is dairy products and spicy foods?
this raises up when we yawn; located behind the hard palate
What is soft palate?
another name for vocal folds
What is vocal cords?
Your vocal cords sit here
What is windpipe/trachea?
As a singer, you should avoid inhaling this type of pollutant that can cause cancer and other health issues
What is smoking/vaping?