The three different types of login protection for image banks
What is "No login protection, login protection with automatic approval and login protection with manual approval"
The amount of weeks between when development works on tasks from the wishlist
What is 5 weeks
What needs to be set up on the customer’s email domain to send via our system?
What is SPF, DKIM and whitelist
Name the past iconic Lifestyle Researcher who faked a pregnancy and was overall very shady.
Who is Rebecca
The monthly cost of the package 1?
What is 3.995 DKK
The three meetings included in the Onboarding process
What is " Start-up & tag meeting, Design meeting and training"
The amount of years Claus have worked at Vocast
What is 6 years
If a customer wants to create an additional account, what information should they provide to support?
What is "
Name of the account
Users that should have access
Possibly also a logo to create template
What is the most common star sign in the News media team?
What is Gemini
The record of most sales i one month by one salesperson?
Who has worked the longest at VOCAST out of the team members (Charlotte, Signe, Jonas, Cerena, Olivia)
Who is "Olivia"
The framework the front-end developers work with
What is Angular
What is the new program called, that is included in all future contracts?
What is "Customer success consultant program."
How many researchers have been hired (lifestyle and news media) since January 2020?
What is 22 Researchers
The fastest sales by a new salesperson (days)?
(From the day they got employed)
What is "40 days"
The average Onboarding length in 2021
What is "12"
The programming language used by the front-end developers
What is TypeScript
What are the 3 main factors the customer success matrix is analysing the customer on?
What is "Usage, content and performance "
How many contacts do we have in our database?
What is 30.300
the record made by the sales team in one month? (in danish DKK)
What is "840.000 DKK"
Month the latest edition of the Process sheet was updated in
What is "August 2022"
The database that runs the back-end
What is Caché
Which customer has send the most emails to support?
What is "Odense Kommune (760 in 8 years) "
How many curated lists do we have on average for each country?
What is 58