If a question on a job application does not apply to me, I should leave it blank.
No (use NA which means not applicable)
For a job interview, you should look like you normally do (jeans, t-shirt, ponytail).
No you should wear business casual
This is expected of you when you enter a room filled with people you know
greeting/saying hello
What value does this Canadian Coin have? Double bonus: what is the common name
One Dollar (loonie)
Define the word "Punctual"
Being on time
Is it ok to use pencil on a job application
Double bonus: What colour should you not write in
no Use blue or black ink
Do not write in Red ink
You should arrive at your job interview one hour early.
False Unless you are asked to be there that early, 5-15 minutes is acceptable.
This is what you do when you have been caught in a lie by another adult
What Canadian coin is this? Double bonus: Should I keep it?
50 cents piece/coin
Yes you may want to keep it
If you want to quit your current job, how many days or weeks notice should you give.
2 weeks
An acceptable answer to the question "What hours are you available" would be "afternoons, because I like to sleep late."
no This tells the employer that you are lazy.
It is ok to chew gum in an interview if the gum keeps your breath minty fresh and helps you to not be nervous.
It is important to be ________ when something changes at work. Flexible or Smart
This would be the change you would receive when paying $10 for an $8.87 purchase.
Double bonus: you can use a calulator
Yes or no: Coworker means "other people you work with"
This is an on-going document given to potential employers.
Double bonus: What do employers ask for as well as a resume
State two things you know about job interview clothing (for example...clothing should be clean at an interview)
ironed, not revealing (bra straps or underwear showing), no distracting patterns or embellishments, any other acceptable answers.
I need to be ________ when a customer is taking a long time to decide if they want paper or plastic bags. Patient or Talkative
This fee is incurred when your checking account doesn't have enough money to cover a payment
overdraft fee
My coworkers can be my friends outside of work, but on the job, we should keep conversations brief.
These are the actual skills you need to perform a specific job
Hard skills (actual degrees, diplomas, or certifications)
These are meetings with potential employers sometimes done in person and now over the internet?
Job Interviews
When your busy and you coworker is in the way should you say "Move you're in the way"?
Double bonus: What should you say instead?
NO that's rude and they could become insulted
Excuse me please
This is an interest-bearing account that holds money
Savings account or investment account
Food workers wear these 3 things.
Hairnet, gloves and face mask